DOB: 02-07 1959
Areas of Specialization:
Public International Law, Private International Law (Conflict of Laws), Constitutional Law, Environmental Law, Human Rights Law, Cyber Law and International Trade Law Including IPR, Cyber Law, Science
Technology and Law and Research Methodology
Currently appointed to serve as
(1) Distinguished Visiting Professor, Hidayatullah National Law University, Raipur
(2) Distinguished Adjunct Faculty, Saveetha School of Law, Chennai
(3) Adjunct Professor (Full-Time), Andhra University, Visakhapatnam (Did not Join) Now serving as the Member, Editorial Board of Academy Law Review (Thiruvaanthapuram), Kerala University Law Journal, Journal of Law Teachers of India, (University of Delhi), Kare Law Journal (Goa), Nirma University Law Journal (Ahmedabad)
EDUCATION : B.Sc., M.L., Ph.D.
Degree | University/ Institution | Year | Class/% of Marks |
Doctor of Philosophy |
Dept. of Legal Studies, University of Madras | 1996 | Topic: “International Law of Compensation for Nationalization of Foreign Property” |
Masters Degree in Law (Int. Law & Con. Law) |
Dept. of Legal Studies, University of Madras | 1988 | II CLASS 57%
400/700 |
Bachelors Degree in Law |
Dr. Ambedkar Govt. Law College, Pondicherry, University of
Madras |
1986 | III CLASS 45 % (897/2000) |
Bachelor of Science Degree in Zoology |
Loyola College, Madras, University of Madras | 1980 | I CLASS 60% (895/1500) |
I: TEACHING As Professor 11 years and in total 22 Years P.G Teaching 23 June 2009 – 30 June 2020
Professor, Department of Legal Studies, University of Madras,Chennai-600 005 11 November 2007 – 22 June 2009
Reader, Department of Legal Studies, University of Madras, Chennai-600 005 11 November 2002 – 10 November 2007
Senior Lecturer, Department of Legal Studies, University of Madras 10 November 2000 – 10 November 2002
Lecturer, Department of Legal Studies,University of Madras, Chennai-600 005 September 1997 – 9 November 2000
Lecturer in Law (Sr. Scale) Dr. Ambedkar Govt. Law College, Madras – 600 104 January 1997 – September 1997
Practiced as an advocate in the High Court of Madras.(original, appellate and writ jurisdiction). Handled cases mainly in the field of Civil law, including Tax law, Contracts law, Labour law, Company law, banking laws etc. Appeared in Arbitration Proceedings
Appointed as an Arbitrator to decide a dispute between two private companies September 1996 – December 1996
Part-time Lecturer, Department of Legal Studies, University of Madras
Post Graduate Teaching: Teaching International Law, Indian Constitutional Law, International Institutions
March 1995 – September 1996
Practiced as an advocate in High Court of Madras – Legal advisor to various companies
January 1989 – February 1995
Fulltime Research Scholar, Department of Legal Studies, University of Madras Actively pursued Research leading to Ph.D. Degree in Law
Teaching Constitutional law to the P.G Diploma students of University of Madras Correspondence Course
- Guided Successfully 31 Ph.D Students
- Guiding about ten PhD students
- Guided about 160 ML Dissertations (Equivalent to Phil thesis)
- Drafted the Draft Fishing Harbour Legislation for the Government of
- Drafted a State Law for the Protection of Heritage
- Drafted the Moot Court problem for the Technology Moot Court Competition organized by the ILS Law College Pune involving Bio- Technology and Law.
- Drafted the Moot Court problem for the All India Human Rights Moot court Competition Organized by School Of Indian Legal Thought, Kottayam covering IPR and Human
- Drafted the Moot Court problem for the All India Human Rights Moot court Competition Organized by School Of Indian Legal Thought, Kottayam covering Human Rights and Personal
- Drafted the Moot Court problem for the KLE Society’s All India Competitin Organised by KLE society’s Law College, Mysore, related to Women’s Rights.
- Drafted the Moot Court problem for the G. Department of Law, University of Pune maiden All India Moot Court Competition for P.G. Students Organised by P.G. Department of Law, University of Pune, Related to Bio Piracy and IPR.
Name of the Post | From | To | Total |
Head of the Department | 01-04-2013 | 30-06-2020
(7 Years & 3 Months) |
8 years 3 months &
22 days |
09-03-2005 | 31-03-2006
(1year & 22 days) |
Campus Director | 03-09-2009 | 02-11-2009
(3 Months) |
1year |
01-04-2013 | 03-02-2016 (10
months) |
President Faculty of Law | 22-07-2013 | 30-06-2020 | 6 years & 11 months |
Dean, Legal
Affairs |
01-11-2012 | 30-06-2020 | 7 years & 7 months |
Member, Senate | 01-04-2013 | 30-06-2020 | 7 years & 3 months |
Member, Academic Council | 01-04-2013 | 30-06-2020 | 7 years & 3 months |
Special Officer for Examinations (For Both Regular &
IDE) |
26-03-18 | 30-06-2020 | 2 years & 2 months |
Chairperson, School of Political and International
Studies |
01-06-2013 | 30-06-2015 | 2 years |
PG Men’s Hostel Warden | 01-08-2013 | 04-02-2016 | 2 years & 6 months |
Chairman, Board of Studies in Law Chairman, Board of Studies in Human Rights Academic Council
Ex-Officio Member of the Academic Council, University of Madras from 20-07- 2005 to 09-03-2006.
Member of the Academic Council, National University of Advanced Legal Studies, Cochin.
Member of the Academic Council, HNLU Raipur
Expert Committee
- Appointed by the Government of India as Member of the Committee of Experts on Indian Maritime University.
- Appointed by the Government of Tamil Nadu as Member (Law) in the Inter-Disciplinary Expert Committee for Protection of Heritage of the
- Appointed as Member in the Working Group on Higher Education constituted by the State Planning Commission.
- Appointed by the Government of Tamil Nadu as Expert Committee Member in Ground Water Management.
- Appointed by National Bio-Diversity Authority, Government of India as Member to the Expert Committee for framing guidelines for determining contribution to and utilization of National Bio-Diversity
- Member Advisory Committee (Law), University of
- Member, The Research and Ethical Committee & Doctoral Committee, Center for Research in New International Economic Order, Chennai
Board of Studies
Three times Member Board of Studies in Law, University of Madras 1999- 2002; 2002- 2005; 2006- 2009
Member Board of Studies in Law, Madurai Kamaraj University Member Board of PG Studies in Law Karnataka Law University
Member, Board of Studies in Human Rights Duties & Education, IDE, University of Madras
Member, Board of Studies in Law, VIT School of Law, VIT University, Chennai 2014-2016
Member, Board of Studies in Law, Savitha School of Law, Savitha University, Chennai
Member, Board of Studies in Human Rights and Duties Education, IDE, University of Madras from 2012 to 2015.
Ex-Officio Member, Board of Studies in Criminology, University of Madras from 01-10-2013 to 30-09-2016
Member, Board of Studies, the Tamil Nadu National Law School, Tiruchirappalli 2013-2014.
Coordinator, Madras University UGC NET June 2014 and December 2014 Coordinator, M.A Human Rights (Correspondence Course) Institute of Distance Education University of Madras.
Coordinator, IPR Chair for a period of more than one year from 03-04-2005 to 09-03-2006; and from 01-04-2013 till 30-06-2020.
Governing Council
Appointed as Governing Council Member in KCS Kasi Nadar College of Arts and Science for a period of three years from 2005
Appointed as Governing Council Member in Marg Gregosis College of Arts and Science for a period of three years from 20011
Appointed as University Representative, College Governing Body for the Period from 01-01-2010 to 31-12-2012.
Other Bodies:
- Expert Member in Board of Research Studies, Indian Maritime University (Central University) Chennai from October-2015.
- Nominated Member of University Governing Body for Vel Tec Ranga Sanku Arts College, Chennai (11-01-2016-10-01-2016)
- Member (Representative), Internationalization in Higher Education, University of Madras.
- Member of viva-voce Board in respect of Patent Agent Examination on 5th & 6th May 2013.
- University Representative on the Governing Body of Hindustan College of Arts & Science and Member, Interview Panel for the Selection of Principal of Hindustan College of Arts & Science held on 19th May
- Appointed as Vice Chancellor Nominee for the Selection of Principal of Mar Gregorios College of Arts and Science, Chennai held on 16th April 2015
- Appointed as Vice Chancellor Nominee for the Selection of Principal of Thomas College of Arts and Science, Chennai held on June 2015
UGC/ Other Uni. Assignments
Sl.No | Nature of Assignment | Institution /Place/Date |
1 | Member, UGC Expert Committee | Maharaja Agrasen University HP |
2 | Member, UGC 12 B Expert Committee | The Karnataka State Law University, Hubli |
3 | Member, UGC 12 B Expert Committee | National University For advanced Studies in Law (NUALS), Cochin 2018 |
4 | Member, UGC 12 B Expert Committee | Damodaram Sanjivayya National Law University, Visakhapatnam AP (State University)
17-18 July 2017 |
5 | UGC Expert Committee | Visit to Indian Law Institute (ILI) New Delhi(8th to 10th Oct 2017) |
6 | Member, UGC 12 B Expert Committee | Indian Law Institute (ILI) New Delhi 9-10April 2018 |
7 | Member, UGC 12 B Expert Committee | Dr Br Ambedkar University Srikakulam AP 2019 |
8 | Member UGC Advisory Committee | School of Legal Studies CUSAT Cochin – SAP 2018 |
9 | Member, Standing Committee Mysore University | To grant Autonomous Status 12-01-18 |
10 | Chairman, Inspection Committee the Tamil Nadu Dr Ambedkar Law
University |
Inspection for affiliation of 2 Govt. Law Colleges 01-08-2018 |
11 | Chairman, Inspection Committee the Tamil Nadu Dr Ambedkar Law
University |
Inspection for affiliation of 2 Govt. Law Colleges 22-08-2019 |
Association/Assignments with National Law Schools
SL.No | Name of the Law School | Nature of Association/Assignments |
1 | HNLU, Raipur | Distinguished Visiting Professor, Resource Member Academic Council, Person to deliver a Series of Lectures , Faculty Selection, Moot Court Judge,
Thesis Evaluation |
2 | RGNLU, Patiala | Resource Person to deliver a Series of
Lectures, Resource Person- Workshop |
3 | TNNLU, Trichy | Member, Board of Studies, Faculty Selection, Resource Person to deliver a Series of Lectures, Resource Person-
Seminar |
4 | NUALS, Cochin | Member Academic Council , UGC Inspection Committee Member, Moot Court Judge, Faculty Selection, Resource Person to deliver a Series of
Lectures |
5 | GNLU, Gujarat | Resource Person to deliver a Series of Lectures |
6 | DNLU, Vishakhapatnam | UGC Inspection Committee Member,
LLD Thesis Evaluation |
7 | MNLU, Aurangabad | Resource Person to deliver a Series of
Lectures |
8 | NUJS, Kolkata | Resource Person to deliver a Series of Lectures- Research Methodology Course
Work |
9 | NLSU, Bangalore | Moot Court Judge, Doctoral Committee,
Thesis Evaluation |
10 | NALSAR, Hyderabad | Moot Court Judge, Resource Person-
Workshop |
11 | NLIU, Bhopal | Moot Court Judge, Thesis Evaluation |
12 | NLU, Jodhpur | Moot Court Judge |
13 | KSLU, Hubli | UGC Inspection Committee Member, Member Board of PG Studies, Moot Court Judge |
- Awarded The L.C. Miller Medal 1988 BothFor securing First Rank in ML degree
- Awarded The A.L. Mudaliar Prize (Law), 1988.
- Awarded University Research Fellowship (URF) to Pursue research leading to Ph.D. Degree
- Awarded The Hague 1993 DOCTORAL SCHOLARSHIP granted by The Hague Academy of International Law, The Hague,
- Awarded Third prize with medal in Nehru Centenary Celebration Essay Competition conducted by the University of
Professional Membership:
Member, Madras Bar Association
Member, the Historical Society, Pondicherry Member, Comparative Law Academy, Pondicherry
Life Member, Indian Society of International Law, New Delhi Life Member, Indian Law Institute, New Delhi
Executive Committee Member, Indian Law Institute (Tamil Nadu State Branch), Appointed by Hon’ble Chief Justice of Madras High Court.
Visits Abroad :
- Sri Lanka – Attended EQUALITY, DEMOCRACY AND HUMAN RIGHTS; A PROJECT FOR SOUTH INDIAN LAW STUDENTS seminar during 26-31 July 1992 at Colombo, Sri Lanka and also participated in the SOUTH ASIAN DEBATING COMPETITION held there.
- Netherlands – Attended the Lectures of the 1993 SUMMER COURSE OF THE HAGUEACADEMY OF INTERNATIONAL LAW, THE HAGUE, from July 5 – August 13, 1993 on Private and Public International law.
- K -Attended four weeks ADVANCED TEACHERS’ TRAINING COURSE at Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK from 13th October 2003 to 12th November 2003.
- Nepal – To Judge the 7th Henry Dunant Memorial Regional Moot Court Competition for South Asia in Nepal (International Rounds) from 20 to 22 October-2011
- Bangladesh – Participated as a Judge in the 8th Henry Dunant Memorial Regional Moot Court Competition for South Asia in Dhaka held on 12-13 October 2012
- Nepal – 5th Advanced International Humanitarian Law South Asian Academics Training Katmandu Nepal 2017
V: Other Professional Experience:
Seminars, Conferences and Workshops Organized: 20
- Organized V. Muthukrishna Iyer Endowment Lecture for the year 2004-2005
- Organized B.R. Ambedkar Endowment Lecture for the year 2004- 05
- Organized Out-Reach programme for Software Professionals in IPR on 08th April 2005.
- Organized the Consultative Meeting on WIPO Draft Treaty on the Protection of Broadcasting Organizations at Chennai on 5-9-2005.
- Organised a two day National Seminar on “New Developments in International Law” on 21-22 February 2006. Hon’ble Mr. Justice A.P. Shah, the Chief Justice of Madras High Court Inaugurated the
- Organised a two-day National Seminar on “Information and Communication Laws” on 22-23 March 2007. Hon’ble Mr. Justice A.P. Shah, the Chief Justice of Madras High Court Inaugurated the
- Organised jointly with CPREEC , Chennai One-Day Workshop on Environmental Law on 24th March 2007
- Organised One-Day Workshop on Legal Research and Methodology on 7th November 2009.
- Organized a two-day National Seminar on “Science Technology and Law Communication Laws” on 25-26 March 2010.
- Organised ICRC South Indian Teaching Programme for the College Teachers on 17th -19th May-2010.
- Organised One-Day Workshop on Legal Research and Methodology on 20th November 2010.
- Organized a two-day National Seminar on “International Humanitarian Law and the Challenges of Contemporary Armed Conflicts” on 22-23 February 2011.
- Organized a two-day National Seminar on “Emerging Trends in Intellectual Property Rights” on 13-14 October 2011.
- Organized National Seminar on “Water Laws” on 16th March 2012.
- Organized One Day Workshop on “IPR” for Law Teachers from Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry on 17th March 2012.
- Organized One Day National Seminar on “Media, Information Technology and International Law” on 20th September 2013.
- Organized One Day National Seminar on “Climate Change Law and Policy: National and International Perspective” on 10th March
- Organized One Day National Seminar on “Concept of Property and Law: New Developments” on 18th March 2017.
- Organized One Day National Seminar on “Marriage: Changing Concepts” on 18th March 2018
- Organized One Day National Seminar on “Law and Religion” on 29-03- 2019
Moot Courts Organized
- Ten times Organised Phillip C Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition
- Five Times Organized Stetson International Environmental Law Moot Court Competition
- ICRC – 14th Henry Dunant Memorial Moot Court Competition 2014 Southern Zonal Rounds 18-19 July
Books: 4 + 2
1. Co Edited a Book Concept of Property and Law: New Developments(Department of Legal Studies, University of Madras, 2017) (ISBN 978 93-81-992 -48- 7)
2. Co-Edited a Book Marriage: Changing Trends (Today Publications,2016) (ISBN 978 93-81-992 -41- 8)
3. Co-authored a book Environmental Law (Prabha Publications, 2001)
4. Co Edited a Book India and WTO (Madras, 1996)27
5. One Full Book on Administrative Law (English Medium) for Diploma in Labour Law Distance Education Madurai Kamaraj University.
6. One Full Book on Administrative Law (Tamil Medium) for Diploma in Labour Law Distance Education Madurai Kamaraj University.
1. One Full Book on Fundamental Rights was prepared for the PG Diploma in Constitutional Law ICE (now IDE) University of Madras
2. One Unit on Paper III on Human Rights and International Financial and Trade Agencies for M.A. Human Rights Distance Education Pondicherry University.
3. Study Materials prepared for ICRC
Member, Editorial Board, the Year Book of Legal Studies published by the Director of Legal Studies, Chennai.1999-2000
Member, Editorial Board, Journal for Humanities, University of Madras 2013-2014
Papers and Articles:
1. “Patent Waiver: A Vaccine for Vaccine Patents” in the First Edition of TNDALU – IPLR pp 15-26
2.“Toward Realization of Human rights: Grave violations of Human Rights and Responsibility to Protect” in Journal of the Department of Legal Studies Vol. 38-42 (2016-2020) pp 62-72 (ISSN 2395-5481)
3. “Significance of North-South Dialogue: Then and Now” in Dr Gali Vinod Kumar (Ed) North-South Imbalances in Global Arena (And. Law Times, 2020) pp13-15.
4. “Internationalization of Grave Violations of Human Rights and Changing Dimensions of State Sovereignty: Responsibility to Protect” in K.C Sunny etal Eds Human Rights and Constitutional Governance first edn.
(Department of Law, Central University of Kerala, 2019) pp 27-32. ISBN 978-93-5346-708-1
5. “Democratic Constitution and Broadening the Contours of Freedom of Speech and Expression”, CSI Law Journal Vol 1 (2018) pp110-123.
6. “Refugee Protection: An Indian Perspective” in Sanoj Rajan, (Ed) Global Crisis A Contemporary Reflection Ist edn. (Thomas Reuters, 2018) pp185-196. ISBN 978-93-86374-64-6
7. “Order, Order, Order: Postponement of Publication Orders and Judicial Ordering of `Balance between Freedom of Press and Administration of Justice” in Tamil Nadu National Law University (TNNLU) Law Review Vol 1 (2018) pp 73-81.
8. “Feminist Jurisprudence and Gender Justice: An Indian Experience”, International Journal of Law, Education, Social and Sports Studies – Vol.5. S1.2018 pp 1-8 (ISSN:2455-0418 Impact factor 6.0176 (ICI))
9. “Pharma Patents and Novartis Judgment: Taming the Unruly Horse” in JMGCL vol (2017) pp 52-58.
10. “Scope and Significance of ADR in Family Law – An Indian Experience with Special Reference to Matrimonial Causes” in P.R.L. Raja Venkatesan and E.Prema eds. Alternate Dispute Resolution in India: Issues and Challenges, (VIT School of Law, VIT University, Chennai, 2017) pp 1-8 (ISBN 978 93-81-992- 02-9).
11. “New Challenges to Human Rights and Ethical Values in Human Rights Education” in Azimkhan B. Pathan and Deepak Kumar Srivastava (Eds) Human Rights Constitutionalism and Rule of Law: Contemporary Issues and Challenges (Satyam Law International, New Delhi, 2017) pp 131-144 (ISBN: 978 93 828 2355 1)
12. “Distributive Justice, Sustainable Development and the Constitutional Frame Work with Reference to Distribution of Natural Resources” in T.S.N Sastry and Durgambini Patel (Eds) Law Development and Justice
(Department of Law, Pune University, 2017) pp 66-78 (ISBN 978 93-5235-948- 3).
13. “Assignment of Intangible Movables under Private International Law with Special Reference to Right of Action – The Debts” in A. David Ambrose et al eds. Concept of Property and Law: New Developments (Dept. of Legal Studies, University of Madras, 2017) pp 1-6 (ISBN 978 93-81-992 -48- 7).
14. “Law Relating to Marine Pollution with Special Reference to Ocean Fertilization” in International Journal of Law, Education, Social and Sports Studies vol 4.S1;2017(2017) pp 1-7 (ISSN 2455-0418) Impact
factor 4.1 (IBF)
15. “Control Over Legal Education – A Case of Too Many Cooks Spoil the Broth?” in P.R.L. Raja Venkatesan and C. Rabbiraj eds. Legal Education in the 21st Century: Challenges, Concerns and Reforms, (VIT School of
Law, VIT University, Chennai, 2017) pp 1-10 (ISBN 978 93-81-992- 85-2).
16. “Rule of Law and Human Rights: How They Interact?” in Dr. Narayana Et Al (Eds), Justice Triumphs (Asia Law House, 2016) pp 559-568 (ISBN 978-81 9333160-8-5).
17. “Law Relating to Extra-Territorial Marriages with Reference to Foreign Marriage Act” in A. David Ambrose et al eds. Marriage: Changing Trends (Today Publications, 2016) pp 5-9 (ISBN 978 93-81-992 -418).
18. “Prohibition of Forcible Conversion of Religion – The Tamil Nadu Experience” in Ramesh, (Ed.) Constitutional Status of Religious Conversions in India, (Serials Publications, New Delhi, 2016) pp 96-106 (ISBN 978-81-8387-766-4).
19. “Preclusion of Sovereign Immunity and the Theories of Sovereign Immunity” in Bangalore University Law Journal Vol 5 (4) (June 2015) pp 78-91 (ISSN. 0973-3280).29
20. “Sensitizing Human Rights and Third World Countries: A Human Rights Approach to Poverty Eradication” in Karnataka State Law University Journal Vol IV (1&2) (2016) pp 9 -22 (ISSN 3221-9440).
21. “Ambedkar’s Ideology on Democracy and Its Present-Day Relevance” in Srinivasan Ramachandran (Ed.), Crystals of Dr. Ambedkar’s Thought, (Abhijeet Publications, New Delhi, 2015) pp 144-159 (ISBN 978 93 5074
22. “Utilization of Biological Resources and ABS: International and National Regimes” in ITMU Law Review Vol. 1 (1) (January – June 2015) pp 1-13. (ISSN 2321-9904)
23. “Dishonouring the Honour Killings: The Role of Judiciary” in Journal of the Department of Legal Studies Vol. 35,36 &37 (2013,2014 & 2015) pp 95- 106 (ISSN 2395-5481)
24. “Public Participation in Sustainable Use and Conservation of Biological Resources: An Indian Experience in the Light of Biological Diversity Act” in Kerala University Journal of Legal Studies Vol.: VI (2013) pp 1-12 (ISSN2278-2702)
25. “Directive Principles of State Policy and Distribution of Material Resources with Special Reference to Natural Resources-Recent Trends” in Journal of the Indian Law Institute Vol.: 55 No. 1 (Jan-Mar 2013) pp 1-20 (ISSN0019-5731)
26. “Enabling the Disabled: Human Rights Approach to Disability” The Year Book of Legal Studies Vol.: 32, 33 &34 (2010, 2011 &2012) pp 70-85. (ISSN 0513-2045)
27. “Harmonization of CBD and WTO: With Special Reference to ABS and IPR” in Indian Journal of International Law Vol.: 52, No.4 (Oct-Dec 2012) pp 515-539. (ISSN 0019-5294)
28. “Intellectual Property Rights and Sustainable Development with Special Reference to Conservation of Bio-diversity” in The Year Book of Legal Studies Vol.: 31(2009) pp 50-61. (ISSN 0513-2045)
29. “The Dichotomy of Right to Education and Minorities Rights to Establish Educational Institution” in Dr. D. Devanathan and Dr.S. Prabharan (Eds.) Good Governance and Sustainable Development Vol. 1 pp 170-171.
30. “From Charity to Right: Education, Law and Judiciary” in the Year of Book Legal Studies Vol. 30 (2008) pp 12-30.
31. “Human Rights Aspect of Female Feticide” in the Year of Book Legal Studies Vol. 29 (2007) pp 20-28.
32. “Abortion: A Basic Human Right?” in Legal Opus Journal of SDM Law College and Centre for PG Studies in Law Vol..2 (December, 2007) pp 5- 13.
33. “Patenting of Life Forms” in Legal Opus Journal of SDM Law College and Centre for PG Studies in Law Vol.1 (January, 2007) pp 49-61. 30
34. “Impact of TRIPS Agreement on Indian Patent Law” in C.B.Raju (Ed) Intellectual Property Rights (Serials Publication, New Delhi, 2006) pp 244-256.
35. “Law relating to Adoption of Indian Children by Foreigners” in Dr G.A.Grudath, (Ed.) Woman Child Law and Society (VLC, Mysore, 2006) pp 251-261.
36. “Economic Dimensions of Law: Some Constitutional Reflections” in The Bangalore Law Journal Vol. no.1 (June, 2005) pp 82-92.
37. “International Environmental Law and India” in Bimal N. Patel (Ed.) India and International law (Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Leiden/Boston, 2005) pp 249-264.
38. “Thirukural and the Protection of Environment – Human Rights Perspective” in T.S.N Sastry (Ed.), India and Human Rights Reflections (Concept Publishing Co., 2005) pp 82-91.
39. “Protection of Non-Economic Intellectual Property Rights” in the Year of Book Legal Studies Vol. 26 (2004) pp 1-6.
40. “State Terrorism and International Law” in Dr.R. Thandavan (ed) Terrorism Challenges and Remedies, (University of Madras, 2004) pp 55- 62.
41. “Human Rights and IPR: Towards A ‘Healthy’ TRIPS Patent Law” in Symbiosis Society’s Law College Special Issue on Human Rights on Human Rights Day-2004 (December, 2004) pp 12-24.
42. “Right to Environment in Tamil Literature: Thirukural and Modern Environmental Law” in Journal of Indian Legal Thought Vol.2 (2004) pp 98-106.
43. “Law of Confession and Right against Torture: Balancing Societal Interest and Individual’s Right – Need for Legislative Action” has been published in K.I Vibhute (Ed), Criminal Justice, (Eastern Book Company, 2004) pp 243-256.
44. “Cybersquatting and Online Trade Mark /Cyber Mark Protection” published in Andhra University Law Journal Vol. 4 (2003) pp 113-124.
45. “Arming Women with Right to Privacy: The Judicial Initiative” in the Year of Book Legal Studies Vol. 25-26 (2003) pp 27-38.
46. “The Right to Reparation for Victims of Violations of International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law” in Journal of the Institute of Human Rights Special Issue on Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Vol. VI (1) (June, 2003) pp 26-36.
47. “Regulating Biotechnology: The Bio-safety Regulations” in Journal of Indian Legal Thought Vol. 1(2003) pp 80-96.
48. “‘Affirmative Action’ and the Concept of Equality under Article 14” in Dr. Prakasa Rao (Ed),Constitutional Jurisprudence and Environmental Justice (Visakhapatnam, 2002) pp 510-530. 31
49. “National and International Protection of Geographical Indications- An Overview” in Dr. Prakasa Rao (Ed), Constitutional Jurisprudence and Environmental Justice (Visakhapatnam, 2002) pp 823-836.
50. “Sustainable Development of Natural Resources and Environmental Implications in International Law” in Dr.S. John William (Ed), Management of Natural Resources for Sustainable Development (SECNARM, Chennai 2002) pp37-54.
51. “Public Trust Doctrine as the Basis of Environmental Jurisprudence” in Kerala University Journal of Legal Studies Vol. 2 (2002} pp 39-48.
52. “Doctrine of Fair Use in Online Software Copyright Protection” has been published in Dr.K.Vikraman Nair (ed.) Copyright Law Emerging Trends and Challenges (M.G University, Kottayam, 2001) pp 17- 27.
53. “Obligations of Higher Judiciary, Judicial Power and Accountability” in Dr.P.K.Padi (ed.) Judicial Independence and Accountability, (The Law House, 2001) pp 44- 53.
54. “Cyber Piracy and the Doctrine of Fair Use” in A.K.Koul and V.K. Ahuja, (Eds.), Law of Copyright: From Gutenberg’s Invention to Internet, (Faculty of Law, Delhi University, New Delhi, 2001) pp 64 – 74.
55. “Development of Municipal Law through International Law: Indian Experience with Reference to Environmental Law” in Souvenir and Conference Papers Vol. I (ISIL, 2001) pp 52-61.
56. “International and National Protection of Trade Marks: An Overview” in SBRRM Journal of Law Vol.8 (1) (December, 2001) pp 12-22.
57. “Green Crimes’ Need Red Signal” in Year Book of Legal Studies Vol.23 (2000) pp 21- 34.
58. “Social Justice through Environmental Protection: The Role of Indian Judiciary” in Dr. T.Surryanarayana Sastry, (Ed.), Fifty Years of Indian Independence and Polity, (A.P.H Publishing Corporation, New Delhi, 2000) pp 95 – 111.
59. “Protection and Promotion of Human Rights: The Role of Media – The Press” in V.T.Patil and T.S.N.Sastry (eds.), Studies in Human Rights, (P.R. Publications, New Delhi, 2000) pp 234-243.
60. “Human Rights Approach to Refugee Problem- A Midas Touch?” in SBRRM Journal of Law Vol.7 (1 (March, 2000) pp 9-21.
61. “Implication of Globalization on Legal Education” in A.K. Koul and V.K.Ahuja (eds.), Legal Education in India in 21st Century, (Faculty of Law, Delhi University, New Delhi, 1999) pp 340 – 350.
62. “Judicial Response to Right to Information in India” in Delhi Law Review Vol. XXI (1999) pp 70- 82.
63. “International Contracts: Choice of Law and Choice of Forum Clauses in India”, in SBRRM Journal of Law Vol.6 (1999) pp 5 – 15.32
64. “Foreign Investment Protection in India: Need for an Investment Code” in SBRRM Journal of Law Vol.5 (1) (March, 1998) pp 36 – 69.
65. “Right to Privacy: A Comparative Case Law Study”, in the Law from All Horizons (Comparative Law Society, Pondicherry, 1998).
66. “Trans-frontier Environmental Protection: New Challenges and International Response” in the Law and Social Problems: Pollution and Law, Vol. 5 (1997 – 98) pp 71 – 87.
67. “Development of Right to Privacy as a Constitutional Right in India” in the Academy Law Review, Vol. XXI (1 & 2) (1997) pp 195 – 207.
68. “Sustainable Development of Natural Resources and Environmental Duties in International Law” in SBRRM Journal of Law Vol.3 (Jan-1997) pp12 – 38.
69. “Right to Development versus Right to Environment: Complimentary or Contradictory Principles of International Human Rights Law?” in Dr. (Mrs.) Nagabooshanam (Ed.), Environmental Law Policy and Perspectives (CreNIEO, Madras, 1996) pp153-161.
70. “Implications of Environmental Concerns on International Trade and India”, in Dr.N.Balu, A. David Ambrose (eds.), India and WTO (Madras, 1996) pp 21-32.
71. “Defining Pollution – A Perception in International Law”, in the Year Book of Legal Studies, Vol.19-20 (1984-85) pp 76-86. Monographs, Essays published:
1.An article entitled “Law Relating to Environment and Pollution” has been published in Focus (October, 2002) pp 22-26.
2.An article entitled “Is Legal Education in India a Leviathan that Needs Many Masters? A Critical Analysis of Control over Legal Education” in the Souvenir released to Felicitated Prof. (Dr.) N.K.Jayakumar by the
Department of Law University of Kerala
3.A Paper entitled “Challenges to Legal Education”, published in Legal Education Some Students Perspectives (University of Colombo, Colombo 1992).
Book Review:
Appointed as an expert by the Tamil Nadu Dr. Ambedkar Law University to review the book on Interpretation of Statutes in Tamil. 23-04-05.
1. | South Asian Debating Competition, Colombo,
Equity, Democracy and Human Rights | 1992 |
2. | Hague Academy of International Law THE HAGUE | Summer Course of the
Hague Academy of International Law. |
1993 |
3. | Societe de Legislation Comparee, Paris and Dr.Ambedkar Government Law
College Pondicherry |
“Law Relating to Privacy in India”. | 1997 |
4. | International Conference on International Law in The New Millennium: Problems And Challenges Ahead organized by ISIL at New Delhi | “Development of Municipal Law Through International Law: Indian Experience With Reference To Environmental Law | 2001 |
5 | Four Weeks Advanced Teachers’ Training Course at
Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK |
Awarded Full Scholarship | 2003 |
6 | Second International Law
Conference organized by ISIL at New Delhi |
“Sustainable Development:
The Role of Civil Society and Public Participation” |
2004 |
7 | Resource Person in the International Conference on Bio-Terrorism and Public
Safety, Chennai |
“Bio-terrorism and Legal Frame Work” | 2006 |
8 | International Conference on Law and Natural Resources Management – Comparative Perspective organized by Dr. Ambedkar Government Law
College Pondicherry |
“Public Participation In The Management of Natural Resource With Special Reference To Biological Resources:
Recent Trends” |
2007 |
9 | UGC International Seminar on Public Affairs and Governance: Challenges and Strategies Organized by the Anna Center
for Public Affairs, University of Madras |
Good Governance and Public Participation.” | 2009 |
10 | Advanced IHL South Asia Academics Training (AISAAT) 2010 organized by ICRC, New Delhi in Association with V M Salgoacar College of Law, Goa. | The Interaction and Relationship between International Humanitarian Law and International Human Rights Law in Situations of
Armed Conflict |
2010 |
11 | Department of Politics and Public and Public Administration, University of
Madras |
Democracy and Human Rights in South Asia Organized | 2011 |
12 | Department of Geography, University of Madras in Collaboration with the University of Northampton,
United Kingdom and Indian Geographical Society, Chennai |
“Waste Management: Legal Perspective”. | 2012 |
13 | Good Governance and Sustainable Development Organized by the Political Science and Public Ad. Wing,
Annamalai University |
“The Dichotomy of Right to Education and Minorities’ Right to Establish Educational Institution” | 2012 |
14 | ‘Biodiversity and Sustainable Energy Development’ ,
Hyderabad |
“Public Participation and Sustainable Use of
Biological Resources”. |
2012 |
15 | Human Rights Dimensions – organized by the Department of Law, University of Kerala | “Human Trafficking and Exploitation of Children | 2015 |
16 | Tamil Nadu Dr. Ambedkar Law University, Chennai | Agro Biodiversity and 20 Years of WTO and Chaired a Session on Various
Summits of WTO |
2015 |
17 | Indian Law Society, Pune | “International Commercial contracts and the Choice of Systems of Law: An
Indian Experience”. |
2015 |
18 | Department of Law, University of Kerala | “International Interdisciplinary Seminar on Access to Justice | 2016 |
19 | Ansal School of Law, Ansal University, Gurgaon | “Refugee Protection: An Indian Perspective” | 2016 |
20 | Department of Law, University of Kerala. | “Impact of Globalization on Human Rights” | 2017 |
21 | Tamil Nadu Dr. Ambedkar Law University, Chennai | “Climate Change Resilience and Disasters” | 2017 |
22 | 5th Advanced International Humanitarian Law South Asian Academics Training Katmandu
Nepal |
“Armed Conflicts, use of Chemical Weapons and Protection of Environment
– The Legal Responses” |
2017 |
23 | Saveetha School of Law, Saveetha University, Chennai – Law and Inter Disciplinary International Conference on Protection and Justifiability of
Child Rights |
Chaired a Session – Child Trafficking | 2018 |
24 | Ethiraj College for Women – International Conference on Social Equity: A Catalyst to Inclusive Growth and
Sustainability |
Resource Person– Legal Frame Work: The Corner Stone of Social Equity | 2019 |
25 | Department of Law, Central University of Kerala – International Interdisciplinary Seminar on Internationalization of Human Rights and Changing Dimensions of Fundamental
Rights |
Chaired a session on Trans-border Issues of Human Rights: MNCs & Refugees | 2019 |
26 | Department of Law, Osmania University,Hyderabad – two- day International
Conference on North-South Imbalances: Global Perspectives and Challenges |
Keynote Address delivered at the Valedictory Ceremony- Significance of North –
South Dialogue: Then and Now |
2020 |
27 | 9th Annual /5th International
Science Fiction C0nference (Online), Bangalore University |
Delivered the Key Note Address | 2020 |
28 | ILS Law College, Pune – International Conference on International Humanitarian
Law and Future Warfare |
Chaired a Session | 2022 |
1 | The Tamil Nadu Academy of Political Science- Conference | Centre- State Financial Relationship with Reference to Public
Enterprises |
1989 |
2 | University of Madras- Seminar on Consumerism | Right to Consumer Knowledge and Role of
NGOs |
1994 |
3 | Department of Law – Nagarjuna University
Seminar on Law and Environment |
National and International Protection of Environment | 1994 |
4 | Department of Legal Studies- University of Madras- Seminar on India- WTO | Implications of Environmental Concerns
on International Trade and India |
1995 |
5 | Department of Legal Studies, University of Madras Seminar on International Commercial
Contracts and Conflict of Laws |
Choice of Law and Choice of Forum Clauses in India | 1996 |
6 | Department of Legal Studies, University of Madras Seminar on Accountability in the Legal
System |
Judicial Accountability | 1996 |
7 | Anna Centre for Public Affairs- University of Madras- Seminar on Centre- State Relation | Centre-State Financial Relationship with Reference to Public
Enterprises: Some Observation |
1997 |
8 | University of Delhi Faculty of Law – All India Law Congress | Implication of
Globalization and Legal Education |
1999 |
9 | Dr.Ambedkar Law College Chennai- National Seminar on Environmental Law | Public Trust Doctrine – The Basis of Environmental Law | 1999 |
11 | Department of Law – Nagarjuna University
Seminar on 50 Years of Indian Constitution Retrospect & Prospect |
Governor as a Centre’s Agent: Need for Constitutional Reform | 2000 |
12 | Dr.Ambedkar Law College
Pondicherry- National Seminar on Environmental Law |
Environmental Law: An Overview | 2000 |
13 | Government Law College, Coimbatore- Seminar on Trade Related Intellectual Property | Trade Mark Protection | 2000 |
14 | The Tamil Nadu Dr. Ambedkar Law University- National Seminar on Law Reform Relating to women | “Sexual Harassment in the Work Place – A Violence Against Working
Women: The Need for Legislative Action”. |
2000 |
15 | Department of Law, Sri Padmavathy Mahila Visvavidyalayam, Tirupati – Judicial Activism and
Empowerment of Women |
Judicial Activism and Empowerment of Women | 2000 |
16 | School of Indian Legal Thought, Kottyam Seminar on Copy
Right and Related Rights |
Fair Use Doctrine | 2001 |
17 | Tamil Nadu Dr. Ambedkar Law
University, Chennai- Review on Legal Education |
Review on Legal Education | 2001 |
18 | Indian Law Institute, New Delhi- Seminar on Personal Laws | Law Relating to Adoption | 2002 |
19 | Indian Society of Victimology | Cyber Crimes and the Problem of Jurisdiction | 2002 |
20 | Department of Legal Studies , University of Madras- Seminar | International Regulation of Bio-Technology and
Bio-Safety |
2003 |
21 | Indian Society of International
Law- Annual Conference |
GMO’s and Bio-Patenting | 2003 |
22 | G.R. Kare College of Law Goa-
IPR Seminar |
Geographical Indications | 2003 |
23 | School of Political and International Studies, University of Madras- Seminar on Terrorism | State Terrorism and International Law | 2003 |
24 | University Law College- Osmania- Seminar on IPR | Impact of TRIPS Agreement on Indian Intellectual Property Law with Special Reference to
Patents |
2004 |
25 | School of Indian Legal Thought,
Kottayam – Seminar on Indian Legal Thought |
Participated as Resource Person | 2004 |
26 | Stella Maris College, Chennai – Seminar on Comprehensive security issues in India | Public Participation as a Resource Person and spoke on Comprehensive
Strategy |
2005 |
27 | Dr.B.R. Ambedkar College of
Law- Seminar on IPR law and Policy |
IPR and Human Rights:
Policy Option for Healing TRIPS patent Law |
2005 |
28 | Manikchand Pahade Law College, Aurangabad – Seminar on Judicial Activism and
Higher Education |
Education and Quotas: A Judicial Response | 2003 |
29 | Vidya Vardhaka Law College,
Mysore – National Seminar |
Resource Person | 2006 |
30 | NBT Law College, Nasik – National Seminar on IPR | Resource Person and presented a research paper on “Protection of
Bio Technological Inventions” |
2006 |
31 | NHRC and PG Dept of Law,
Karnataka University – Workshop on Women’s’ Right |
Resource Person– Female Feticide | 2006 |
32 | Dept of Geography, University of Madras – Seminar on Environment, Health and
Sustainable Development |
Doctrine of Sustainable Development in the Protection of
Environment |
2007 |
33 | MS University, Tirunelveli –
Seminar on Conflict Resolution and Social Harmony |
Judiciary and Conflict Resolution | 2007 |
34 | Dr.B.R. Ambedkar Chair, Kerala University – Workshop on Research Methodology | Identification of Research Problem | 2007 |
35 | Vidya Vardhaka Law College, Mysore – National Seminar on
Science, Technology and Law |
Resource Person – Science, Technology and
Human Rights |
2007 |
36 | School of Legal Studies, KUSAT – Seminar on Human Rights | Ethics, Ethics, Ethics: Making Human Rights Response to New
Challenges |
2007 |
37 | Gopi Arts and Science and College – Workshop on E- Crimes and Human Rights
Enforcement |
Resource Person – E Crimes | 2007 |
38 | SDM Law College, Mangalore – Conference on Human Rights
in the Era of Globalization |
Human rights and Disabled | 2007 |
39 | School of Legal Studies, Kannur University – Seminar on Minority rights and Social
Justice |
Minority rights and Social Justice | 2008 |
40 | Department of LAW, University of Kerala – Seminar on Science,
Technology and Law |
Chaired a Session | 2009 |
41 | Dr.B.R. Ambedkar College of Law, Andhra University – Seminar on Human Rights and
Gender Justice |
Women’s Right and International Perspective | 2010 |
42 | Dept of Geography, University of Madras- Seminar on Urban
Sustainability |
Sustainable Urban Waste Management – A Legal
Perspective |
2010 |
43 | Dept of Geography, University
of Madras – Workshop on Geo spatial Technology |
Participated | 2010 |
44 | Anna Centre for Public Affairs, University of Madras – Seminar of Environmental Governance | Sustainable Development and Biodiversity | 2010 |
45 | Dept of Law, University of Kerala – Seminar on Right
Education: Policy and Challenges |
Right Education and Reservation | 2010 |
46 | Dept of Law, University of Kerala – Seminar on Realization Socio Economic
Rights |
Rhetoric to Realization: Enforcement of Socio- Economic Rights | 2011 |
47 | Government Law College,
Ernakulam – Workshop on Women and Law |
Moderator | 2011 |
48 | School of Indian Legal Thought- Right to Education and Right to Establish
Educational Institution |
Right to Impart Education | 2011 |
49 | Tamil Nadu Dr. Ambedkar Law University
Seminar on IPR and Human Rights |
Resource Person | 2011 |
50 | Department of Law, University of Kerala, Seminar on Good Governance, Human Rights
Dimension |
Poverty, Human Rights and Good Governance | 2011 |
51 | Government Law College, Thrissur, Seminar on Human
Rights of the Socially Excluded |
Human Rights of the Elderly Person | 2011 |
52 | IPR Chair, Department of Legal
Studies, Emerging Trend in IPR. |
Protection of Traditional
Knowledge with Genetic Resources |
2011 |
53 | Department of Constitutional Law and Human Rights, the Tamil Nadu Dr. Ambedkar Law University UGC Sponsored Two Day National Seminar on Good Governance and Anti-
Corruption: A Human Rights Dimension |
Participated as a Resource Person delivered Special Address in the Valedictory Function | 2012 |
54 | National Seminar on Conservation and Sustainable utilization of Bioresources | Utilization of Biological Resources and Access and Benefit Sharing: | 2012 |
55 | University College of Law, Osmania, Seminar on 62 years of Indian Constitution –DPSP | Directive Principle of State Policy and Distribution Material Resource with Special Reference to Natural
Resources |
2013 |
56 | Tamil Nadu Dr. Ambedkar Law University, Chennai Seminar on Biological Conservation of Land Water and Forests:
Sustainable Practices |
Chair Person | 2013 |
57 | Department of Journalism University of Madras Seminar on Media, Information
Technology and Int. Law |
Media Trial V Fair Trial | 2013 |
58 | Tamil Nadu Dr. Ambedkar Law
University, Chennai Seminar on Ground Water |
Constitutional Frame
Work for Ground Water Management |
2013 |
59 | South Zone Regional Judicial Conference, Chennai | Rule of Law and Human Rights | 2014 |
60 | Tamil Nadu Dr. Ambedkar Law University, Chennai National Workshop on International Trade Law | International trade Law an Over view- Resource Person | 2014 |
61 | Tamil Nadu Dr. Ambedkar Law University, Chennai, Seminar on Patentability: Ever Greening
and Compulsory Licensing |
Resource Person | 2014 |
62 | Government Law College, Tirunelveli Seminar on Anonymous Witness and the
Need to uphold Fair trial |
Fair Trial and Anonymous Witness Protection –
Constitutional Aspect |
2014 |
63 | Government Law College, Tirunelveli Seminar on Anonymous Witness and the
Need to uphold Fair trial |
Resource Person | 2014 |
64 | Tamil Nadu Dr. Ambedkar Law
University, Chennai, Seminar on Marine Bio-Diversity |
Protection of Bio- Diversity | 2014 |
65 | Dr. Ambedkar Law College, Chennai Workshop on Clinical Legal Education | Arbitration, Mediation, Negotiation Skills and Development | 2014 |
66 | Department of Anthropology, University of Madras, Seminar
on Sanitation for All |
Chaired a Session- Women Children and
Sanitation |
2014 |
67 | Sri. Ramachandra University,
Seminar on Right to Health Law and Ethics |
Right to Health – Human Rights Perspective | 2015 |
68 | School of Indian Legal Thought, Kottayam, Seminar on
Farmers Rights in the Globalised Economy |
Key Note Address | 2015 |
69 | Department of Anthropology, University of Madras, Seminar on The Annihilation of Caste:
prospects and Retrospect |
Caste: An Unlawful Social Order | 2015 |
70 | Tamil Nadu Dr. Ambedkar Law University, Chennai, Seminar on, Emerging Trends in Intellectual Property in the
Digital Era |
Human Right Issues in Intellectual Property | 2015 |
71 | Tamil Nadu Dr. Ambedkar Law University, Chennai, Seminar on Water Resources and Conservation in India- Issues and Challenges | Panelist- Ground Water Protection | 2015 |
72 | Penda Kanti, Law College, Hyderabad, Seminar on Expanding Contours of Freedom of Expression in India | Order, Order, Order: Postponement of Publication Orders and Judicial Ordering of Balance between
Freedom of Speech and Administration of Justice |
2015 |
73 | Tamil Nadu Dr. Ambedkar Law University, Chennai, Seminar on Disaster Management and
Law – Issues and Challenges |
Disaster Early Warning Systems, Climate Change & Environment Impacts | 2015 |
74 | Tamil Nadu Dr. Ambedkar Law University, Chennai, Seminar on Valluvam and Vazhvial
Chaatum |
Chair Person | 2015 |
75 | Department of Law, University of Kerala, Seminar on Independence of Judiciary with
Special Reference to Appointment of Judges |
Resource Person | 2015 |
76 | Government law college, Thrissur seminar on Constitutional Rights and social Justice with special
emphasis on Dr. B. R Ambedkar philosophy |
Resource Person | 2016 |
77 | Chennai inter philosophy society symposium on justice | Chief Guest | 2016 |
78 | University law college, Bangalore University seminar on Legal Scenario on Emerging vistas of Crime against Women
in India |
Women’s rights as Human Rights and Crime Against Women | 2016 |
79 | University Law College, Bangalore University seminar on Legal Scenario on emerging vistas of Crime against Women
in India |
Chair Person | 2016 |
80 | Central University of Kerala, Department of Law seminar on Countering, Climate Change- Need for Legal and Policy
Reforms |
Climate Change – Global dimensions and prognosis vis-a vis Paris Conference | 2016 |
81 | Vidyavardhaka College of Law,
Mysore Seminar on Right to Information Act |
Recent Developments in RTI Act | 2016 |
82 | VIT school of Law, Workshop
on New Dimensions on IPR |
Panelist | 2016 |
83 | Kerala Law Academy Law College Seminar on Terrorism
Laws and Human Security |
Resource Person | 2016 |
84 | Kerala Law Academy Law
College seminar on Terrorism Laws and Human Security |
Chair Person | 2016 |
85 | Savitribai Phule Pune University Department of Law – Workshop on International Law
and Indian State Practice |
Resource Person | 2017 |
86 | Government Law College, Ernakulam National Seminar on Indian Law on Maritime
Jurisdiction |
Resource Person & Chair Person | 2017 |
87 | Vels School of Law, Vels University Seminar on Environmental Protection Socio-Economic and Legal
Issues |
Chair Person | 2017 |
88 | Department of Geography, University of Madras – Seminar on Geo-informatics for rural health and environment
sustainability problem and prospective |
Plenary Speaker on Sustainable Development and Environmental Protection | 2017 |
89 | Department of Anthropology, University of Madras – National Seminar on Fascinating Facets
of folklore |
Legal Protection of Folklore | 2017 |
90 | Andaman Law College, Port Blair – National Seminar on Socio-Legal Rights of Tribals’ in
Andaman and Nicobar Islands: Issues and Challenges |
Chaired a Session – Constitutional and Legal Rights | 2018 |
91 | Department of Studies in Law, University of Mysore- Two-day National Symposium on the Emergence of the philosophy of
International Law – a Bird’s Eye View on Jurisprudence |
Key Note Speaker–
Chaired a Session |
2018 |
92 | Department of Law, Central University of Kerala – National Seminar Series on Federalism | Chaired a Session – Centre State Relations | 2018 |
93 | Sathyabama School of Law –
National Workshop on Research Methodology |
Resource Person– Empirical Research | 2019 |
94 | NUALS, Cochin – Webinar on
Relevance of International Law in the Contemporary Era |
Resource Person–
Relevance of International Law |
2020 |
95 | Karnataka State Law University Online FDP | Resource Person – Science, Technology and
Human Rights |
2020 |
96 | University of Madras, Refresher Course | Recourse Person – IPR | |
97 | NUALS, Cochin – Workshop on Legal Research and Writing | Resource Person– Mooting Skills | 2021 |
98 | Gujarat National Law University, Gujarat | Resource Person in for the Long Duration Course on Law of the Sea
and Mari time Law |
2021 |
99 | Indian Society of International Law, New Delhi | Summer School on International Law- Relationship between International Law and
Municipal Law (O.L) |
2021 |
100 | Chennai Dr. Ambedkar Government Law College,
Pudupakkam |
FDP Resource Person | 2021 |
101 | Vivekananda Law College Puttur, | Spl Lecture on International Law State Succession in
International Law |
2021 |
102 | Faculty of Law, Dr MGR E&RI | Distinguished Speaker (O.L) | 2021 |
103 | NUALS, Cochin | Spl Lecture Series in Public International Law (O.L) | 2021 |
104 | Faculty of Law, Marwadi University, | FDP Resource Person
(O.L) |
2022 |
105 | Faculty of Law, The Maharaja Sayajirao University, Baroda | Workshop Resource Person (O.L) | 2022 |
106 | Shri SDM Law College, Mangalore – National Seminar on A Discourse on Medical
Termination of Pregnancy Act |
Resource Person– Recent Developments (O.L) | 2022 |
107 | SRM University, Chennai | Research Colloquium
Resource Person (O.L) |
2022 |
108 | TNNLU, Trichy – Webinar | Resource Person– Celebrating the Contribution India’s Scholars to Public
International Law (O.L) |
2022 |
109 | School of Law , SRM University | FDP Resource Person
(O.L) |
2022 |
110 | IILM Law School, Gurugram | FDP, Resource Person | 2022 |
111 | SDM Law College, Mangalore | Resource Person in the National Webinar on “Biodiversity, Protection of Plant varieties and
Farmer’s Rights |
2022 |
112 | MNLU Aurangabad | Series of lectures on Public International Law | 2022 |
113 | HNLU, Raipur | Special Lecture on “Making an Impactful
Dissertation” |
2022 |
114 | Government Law College, Vellore | Workshop- Resource Person | 2022 |
115 | Government Law College, Namakkal | Workshop- Resource Person | 2022 |
116 | School of Law , SRM University, MCS Inauguration | Chief Guest and Keynote Speaker | 2022 |
117 | NSS College, Nilamel, Kollam | National Seminar on Democracy, Liberty and Constitutional Government: The Indian Experience Keynote
Speaker |
2022 |
118 | Mar Gregorios College of Law, Thiruvanthapuram | Resource Person | 2022 |
119 | Faculty of Law, Dr MGR E&RI | Resource Person | 2023 |
120 | School of Law, Vel Tec University | Resource Person – International Law and Its Relevance | 2023 |
121 | KLEF College of Law, AP | National Seminar on Social and Economic Legislations in India –
Recourse Person |
2023 |
122 | RGNUL, Patiala | Law Practicum Series on Conflict of Law- Special Lectures | 2023 |
123 | RGNLU, Patiala | Resource Person – Workshop on ADR Mechanism in International Dispute
Settlement: A Practical Approach |
2023 |
124 | Arunachal Law Academy, Arunachal Pradesh | Resource Person – Indian Constitution and Fundamental Rights | 2023 |
125 | Joseph College of Law, Bengaluru | Resource Person – FDP
Majoritarianism and Judicial Intervention |
2023 |
- Presented a paper on “Protection of Human Rights, Limitations on Indian Judiciary – A Case Study” at the National Convention on Human Rights held at New Delhi during January 3rd to 8th 1992 jointly organized by National Centre for Protection of Human Rights and World Organization against Torture.
- Participated as Resource Person in the workshop on Biodiversity Conservation Through Capacity Building for Judicial Magistrates NGOs sponsored by British High Commission, New Delhi organized by CPR Environmental Education Centre, Chennai and delivered a lecture on “Intellectual Property Rights and Traditional Knowledge and the rights of the Local People” on 28-01-2006 at Chennai
- Visited Xavier’s Labour Research Institute, Tata Nagar as a Resource Person and delivered series of lectures on IPR and Right to Information Act on 2-4 February 2005
- Participated as a Resource Person in the Seminar on Freedom of Expression and the Judiciary organized by The Indian Law Institute (Tamil Nadu State Branch) and presented a paper on “Right to Freedom of Expression: Recent Trends”
- Participated as Research person in the UGC Orientation Programme for University / Colleges Teachers on ‘Right to Information Act’ jointly organized by Department of Adult and Continuing Education & Department of Legal Studies, University of Madras on 29th March 2007 and delivered a Lecture on “Introduction to Right to Information Act”
- Participated as Research person in the UGC Orientation Programme for University / Colleges Teachers/ NGO on ‘Protection of Women from Domestic Violence’ jointly organized by Department of Adult and Continuing Education & Department of Legal Studies, University of Madras on 27th September 2007 and delivered a Lecture on “Domestic Violence Act 2005Analysis”
- Participated as a Resource Person in the Staff Development Programme on ‘Environmental Studies’ conducted for Polytechnic Teachers from Andhra Pradesh, held on 8-10-2007 at National Institute of Technical Teachers Training & Research Chennai and delivered a Lecture on “Social Issues, Environmental Law & Consumerism”
- Participated as a Resource Person in the National Seminar on ‘Judicial Accountability with Special Reference to Judges Inquiry Bill, 2006’Organised by the Department of Law, University of Kerala at Thiruvananthapuram and presented a paper on “More Obligations More Powers; Meager Accountability-Towards an Accountable Judiciary” on 25th & 26th, October 2007
- Participated as a Resource Person in the National Seminar on Female Feticide & Gender Imbalance: Medico Legal Perspectives held at Modern Education Society’s Law College, Sirsi and presented a Paper on ““Human Rights Aspects of Female Feticide”, on 8th March 2008.
- Participated as a Resource Person in the National Seminar on Capital Punishment Organised by the School of Legal Studies, University of Kannur and presented a paper on “Capital Punishment and International Law” on 8th July 2009
- Participated as a Resource Person and also Chaired a Session in the National Seminar on ‘Science Technology and Human Rights’ Organized by the Department of Law, University of Kerala at Thiruvananthapuram and presented a paper on “Human Rights and Bio-Technology” on 8-10 October 2009
- Participated and Delivered the Key Note Address on “Making Constitution more Responsive to New Challenges” at the National Seminar on ‘The Indian Constitution in its Centennial Year’ organized by Nagpur University on 18th & 19th Feburary-2010.
- Participated as a Resource Person in the Two-Day National Seminar on Conference on “Restorative Justice” under UGC-SAP Programme Organized by the Department of Criminology on 16th and 17th March- 2012 and Presented a Theme Paper on “Restorative Justices Practices”, also Chaired a Session.
- Participated and deliver the Valedictory Address in the UGC Sponsored National Workshop on “New Developments in International Law” organized by The Tamil Nadu Dr. Ambedkar Law University, on 11th April 2014.
- Participated in the UNO Day Celebrations celebrated under the auspices of the history and Political Science association of Justice Basheer Ahmed Sayeed College for Women, Chennai and Delivered the Key Note Address on “Future of United Nations”
- Participated as a Resource Person in the National Study Conference on Human Rights held from 12th to 14th October 2000 held at Chennai and organized by the Department of Social Work, Madras Christian College, and presented a paper on “History and Evolution of Human rights”
- Participated in the Seminar on Regulating Cyber Space: Implications for Media Professionals held on 1st & 2nd August 2002 in Chennai organized by AMIC (Asian Media Information and Communication Centre of India) as a Panelist on “Media Ethics in Cyberspace”
- Delivered Guest Lectures on “The Role of International Law in Molding the Indian Environmental Jurisprudence” and “Intellectual Property Rights and Biotechnology Laws” on 28th August 2002 at the Centre for Environmental Studies, Anna University, Chennai
- Participated in the two-day Workshop on ICT Training Workshop for Journalists from Small/Medium Newspapers/Magazines jointly organized by AMIC-INDIA and Department of Journalism, University of Madras on 6th &7th October 2002 and presented a paper on “Copy right Issues on the Inter net/Cyber laws”
- Participated as a Resource Person in the ten-day Interdisciplinary Course on Human Rights and Advocacy held from 9th to 18th June 2003 organized by the Department of Social Work, Stella Maris College and delivered two lectures on “Sustainable Development” and “Environment Protection” on 06.03 and 17.06.03 respectively
- Participated in the Third Conference of Nodal Officers on Enforcement of Copyright organized by Ministry of Human Resources Development Government of India on 16th September
- Participated as Resource Person in the workshop on Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Development for NGOs sponsored by British High Commission, New Delhi organized by CPR Environmental Education Centre, Chennai and delivered a lecture on “Intellectual Property Rights and Traditional Knowledge and the rights of the Local People” on 30-12-2005at Madurai.
- Participated as Resource Person in the workshop on Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Development for NGOs sponsored by British High Commission, New Delhi organized by CPR Environmental Education Centre, Chennai and delivered a lecture on “Intellectual Property Rights and Traditional Knowledge and the rights of the Local People” on 25-03-2006at Madurai
- Delivered Guest Lecturers in the School of Indian Legal Thought, Kottayam on 8th February 2007 and delivered two lectures on “Sustainable Development and Environmental Law” and “Human Rights and IPR”.
- Participated as Resource Person in the workshop on Biodiversity Conservation Through Capacity Building to Judicial Magistrates and delivered a lecture on “Intellectual Property Rights and Traditional Knowledge and the rights of the Local People” on 4th February 2007 at the Tamil Nadu State Judicial Academy,
- Participated as Resource Person in the workshop on Biodiversity Conservation through Capacity Building to NGOs and delivered a lecture on “Intellectual Property Rights and Traditional Knowledge and the rights of the Local People” on 10th March 2007 at
- Participated as a Resource Person to deliver a Special Lecture on “Equalization of Educational Opportunities and the Constitutional Provision for Education” to the Teacher Trainees of Subham College of Education,
- Participated in the Republic Day & Constitutional Awareness Programme on 19th January 2011 organised by Justice Basheer Ahmed Sayeed College for Women, Chennai and Delivered a Lecture on “The Working of the Indian Constitution with special reference to the Enforcement of Human Rights”
- Invited as a Resource Person to deliver a Series of Lectures on Definition, Scope, Meaning of International Law and Responsibility of State under International Law by Hidayatulla National Law School, Raipur on 3rd &4th Mach-2011.
- Invited to deliver two Lectures on “Human Rights Concepts Principles & Historical Development” and “Protection of Women and Child Rights” in the Training of Trainers Programme held organized by the National Human Rights Commission and Anna Institute Management, Chennai, on 7-12-2011.
- Invited to Deliver a Lecture on “Empirical Research” in Two Day National Workshop on Legal Research Methodology organized by Kerala Law Academy Law College and Department of Law University of Kerala, Trivandrum on 16th & 17th January
- Invited to Deliver a Lecture on “International Criminal Law” in the Training of Trainers program from 27th – 29th January-2012, Organized by the Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Patiala
- Invited to deliver a Lecture on “Rule of Law” in the one-week Training Programme for IFS Officers held from 13-02-12 to 20-02-2012 organized by the Anna Institute Management, Chennai, on 14-02-2012.
- Invited to deliver a Lecture on “Recent Developments in IPR, Bio-Patents” in the Two Day Workshop on Basics of Intellectual Property Rights on 18-01-2012 & 19-01-2012 organized by P.G. Department of Human rights and Duties Education, Ethiraj College for Women, Chennai on 19- 01-2012.
- Invited to Deliver a Lecture on “Effective Oral Presentation” in the Three Day Workshop on Moot Court Mentoring Workshop organized by the Government Law College, Trissur on 1st March to 3rd March-2012.
- Invited to Deliver a Lecture on “Empirical Research” in Two Day National Workshop on Legal Research Methodology organized by The TN Ambedkar Law University on 2012.
- Invited and Delivered a Lecture on “Socio-Legal Implications of Supreme Court Decision on Postponement of the Reporting the Trial Court Proceedings by the Media” on 25th September, 2012 at Department of Law, University of Kerala, Thiruvanathapuram.
- Invited and Delivered a Special Lecture on Jurisprudence on 25.10.2012 at Saveetha School of Law, Saveetha University, Chennai
- Delivered a Special Lecture on “Mooting Skills: Judges’ Expectations” on 18th September 2013 at ITM University New Delhi.
- Invited as a Resource Person in the One Day Seminar on “Preamble to The Indian Constitution” organized by the Central University of Tamil Nadu, Thiruvarur on 14th November-2015 and Delivered a Lecturer on “Preamble to the Indian Constitution: Position and Use”.
- Invited as a Resource Person and Delivered a Lecturer on Relationship between Part-III and Part-IV of the Indian Constitution organized by the National Law University, Trichy.
- Invited as a Resource Person and Delivered a Lecturer on “Powers and Procedures for the Amendment of Indian Constitution” at the Saveetha School of Law, Saveetha University, Chennai on 08-05-1018
- Invited as a Resource Person and Delivered a Lecturer on “Right to Information: Scope and Application” at the Saveetha School of Law, Saveetha University, Chennai on 20-10-1018
- Invited as a Resource Person and Delivered a Special Lecture on “International Law and Use of Force” at Vidyavardhaka Law College Mysore on 12-02-1019
- Invited as a Resource Person and Delivered a Special Lecture on “International Law” at KLE Society’s Law College, Bangalore on 08-04- 2019
- Delivered a Special Lecture on Constitution of India on 26-11-2020 commemorating the Constitution Day organised by GLC Villuppuram
- Invited as Chief Guest and delivered the Inaugural Address at the, Inauguration of LLM in Int. Trade Law course organized by the SRM School of Law on 01-11-2021
- Participated as a Resource Person and delivered a Lecture on “International Law and Juvenile Justice : an Overview” in the Three days Training Programme on Juvenile Justice Law and Practice organized by the Dr Ambedkar Government Law College’ Pondicherry on 13-02-23
- Participated as the Chief Guest and delivered the Inaugural Address in the Inaugural function of the 8th Annual SRM Moot Court Competition organized by the SRM School of Law, Chennai on 16-03-23
- Delivered a Special lecture on International Law and State Responsibility organized by Department of International Law and Organisation, TNDALU, Chennai on 04-05-23
Office: | Residence: |
Professor & Head(Retired) | “Peniel”, No 2, New Street, |
Dept. of Legal Studies | Sakthi Nagar, Porur |
University of Madras, | Chennai-600 116 |
Chennai-600 005 | Mobile- +91 94441 52826 |
E-mail: profambrose@yahoo.co.in | Phone: 044-22522535 |