An institution for higher learning must promote scholarship that engages with practical questions as well as the moral and philosophical dilemmas that arise in contemporary life. In addition to its full-time taught programmes and initiatives in proximate education, DSNLU University of Law provides an enabling environment for its faculty members, research scholars and students to actively contribute to the production of knowledge in legal studies as well as cognate disciplines such as political science, history, economics, sociology and business studies among others. Our faculty members have authored several book-length studies, chapters in longer compilations, scholarly articles in peer-reviewed journals, research-based surveys and opinion pieces in leading newspapers and magazines. Our research scholars enrolled in the PhD. programme are encouraged to produce innovate and creative legal scholarship that blends methods and insights drawn from several disciplines The curricular design of the undergraduate and postgraduate courses gives students regular opportunities to hone their research and writing skills, with many of them successfully developing their written assignments into scholarly publications.