Environmental Law
International Environmental Law
Administrative Law
Educational Qualification
Ph.D., M.L., B.L., B.A.Publications
- ‘Prostitution Laws: An Enigma and Some Dilemmas’, abook bearing ISBN No. 978-93-823373-4-8 is being published by Promilla & Co. Publishers in association with Bibliophile South Asia, New Delhi in 2016
- Edited a booktitled ‘Managing the Blue – Environmental Law Series – III), a collection of research papers presented in a two-day National Webinar on ‘Water Management Laws: Life, Livelihood and Environment” organized by DSNLU and sponsored by Indian Council of Social Science Research-South Regional Centre (ICSSR-SRC) on 4 and 5 September 2021 being published by DSNLU in 2022 bearing ISBN No. 978-81-954254-0-2
- Edited a booktitled ‘Conserve for Future- Environmental Law Series II’ bearing ISBN No. 978-81-954254-8-8 published by DSNLU in December 2021
- Associate Editorof a book titled ‘Law and Mental Health (Clinic to Community Care)’ and bearing ISBN No. 978-81-954254-1-9 published by DSNLU in September 2021
- Edited a booktitled ‘Green Governance – Environmental Law Series I’ bearing ISBN No. 978-81-933989-4-4 published by Asia Law House and DSNLU in 2018.
Articles/ Research Papers
English Publications
- Co-authored an article published in Comparative Law Review, a Scopus Indexed Journal, a Nicolaus Copernicus University, Poland publication ( 28 (2022): Comparative Law Review, December 13, 2022) titled “Climate Change Litigation: Chronicles from the Global South – A Comparative Study”.
- Contributed an article titled “Armed Conflict: Impact on Children’s Mental Health’ in an edited book titled ‘Law and Mental Health (Clinic to Community Care) bearing ISBN No. 978-81-954254-1-9 published by DSNLU in September 2021
- “Recreation of Disparities”, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol LV Nos 28 & 29, July 11, 2020 (Scopus indexed Journal) bearingISSN No. 0012-9976
- Contributed an article entitled “Navigating through Data Collection in Empirical Research” in an edited book titled “Readings in Legal and Social Research” published by Regal Publications in 2019 bearing ISBN No. 978-81-938829-3-1
- Contributed an article entitled “Trained and Gender Sensitive Counselors: Need of the Hour” in the edited book titled “Incompatible Spouses – Counseling Initiatives” published in 2018 bearing ISBN No. 978-81-933989-3-1
- Contributed an article entitled “The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act: Evolving Law”, Kaav International Journal of Arts, Humanities & Social Science, Volume -5 Special Issue – 1, February 2018
- “Social Democracy – Need of the Hour”, International Journal of Academic Research, Volume 4, Issue 3(5), March, 2017 bearing ISSN No. 2348-7666
- “Encounter killings: Who is the judge?” Human Rights Report India, Newsletter, Vol. I, Issue II, March 2015
- “Challenges to Clinical Legal Education in contemporary India: a few reflections”, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research, Vol. 2, Issue 1, Jan 2013 bearing ISSN No. 2277-7881
- “Evolution of Women’s Right to Education in India”, Journal of Academy of Juridical Studies, Vol. 7, No.1, June 2012 bearing ISSN No.2278-456X
- “Five Years of Protection of Women from Domestic Violence act, 2005”, The Legal Analyst, Vol. II No.1, 2012 bearing ISSN 2231-5594
- “Forest Regulation and Forest Dwellers Rights”, Chotanagpur Law Journal, Vol 4, No. 4, 2011-12 bearing ISSN No. 0973-5858
- “Contemporary debate on Prostitution: Some legal Dilemmas”, ANU Journal of Law, Vol. III No. 1 & 2 June-December 2011 bearing ISSN No. 0975-9565
- “Impact of Delinking Irretrievable Breakdown Ground of Divorce and Marital Property: A few reflections”, The Legal Analyst, Vol. I No. 2, 2011 bearing ISSN 2231-5594
Telugu Publications
- Obituary of K. Jayasree titled “Henceforth Jayasree is a slogan” published in “Human Rights Bulletin 17-2022”, a Human Right Forum Publication
- Booklet titled “Condolence to Human Rights Defender Jayasree” published by Human Rights Forum in August 2021. It is a part of an ICSSR sponsored research project of the Centre for the Study of Social Exclusion, National Law School of India University, Nagarbhavi, Bangalore on thetopic ‘Struggling for Justice: Narratives of the Lives of Social Activists—Voices from South India’ in the academic year 2015-16.
- Article titled “Constitutionality of Supreme Court Orders” published in “Human Rights Bulletin –2019”, a Human Right Forum Publication in Telugu published in November 2020
- Article titled “Roll Back of Environmental Law” published in “Human Rights Bulletin – 2017”, a Human Right Forum Publication in Telugu published in October 2017
- “A great perfectionist”, an article in “Gnaapakaalam: Thoughts and notes of Late K Ravindra Rao garu”, a book in memory of Sri K. Ravindra Rao, senior advocate, Vijayawada published by Kantamneni Ravindra Rao Memorial Foundation, Vijayawada on 24 January 2016
- “In the presence of Kudala Sangama Deva”, an article on Kalburgi’s murder published in “Andhra Jyothi”, a Telugu daily newspaper on 1 November 2015
- “Police continue to be judges in encounter killings:”, an article in Human Rights Bulletin 14 published by Human Rights Forum, AP & Telangana in 2015
- Contributed to “Our Laws”, a compendium of laws translated into Telugu published by Dalita Stree Sakthi, Hyderabad in 2011
- “Does Irretrievable Breakdown of Marriage Ground for Divorce suit our country?”, an article in Human Rights Bulletin 12 published by Human Rights Forum, AP in 2011
- “These lives do offend the ‘gentlefolk’”, a rejoinder to an article written by Mupalla Ranganayakamma, a prominent Telugu writer published in “Andhra Jyothi”, a Telugu daily newspaper on 19 April 2010
- “Acid Attacks in the name of love: A Reflection” an article in Human Rights Bulletin 9 published by Human Rights Forum, AP in 2008
- “Protection of Women Against Domestic Violence”, an article published in “Andhra Jyothi”, a Telugu daily newspaper in October 2006
- “The Property less Adivasi Women”, an article in Human Rights Bulletin 7 published by Human Rights Forum, AP in 2005
- “Let’s talk about the Disabilities Issue in the Rights perspective”, an article in Human Rights Bulletin 5 published by Human Rights Forum, AP in 2002
- “Business School: High Court’s Decision”, an article in Human Rights Bulletin 2 published by Human Rights Forum, AP in 2000
- “Women and Law”, an article published in Telugu by Vijayawada Slum Improvement Project (ODA), Municipal Corporation, Vijayawada in 1996
Publication of Translation
- Translated an article on death penalty titled “To Kill or not to Kill” in a book “The Way I See It: A Gauri Lankesh Reader”, a collection of articles written by Gauri Lankesh, edited by Chandan Gowda and published by Navayana, DC Books in English. The translated version in Telugu was published by Hyderabad Book Trust, Hyderabad in December 2017
- Weekly Columnist of “Sakshi’ Telugu daily newspaper on legal matters since its inception in March 2008 to 2010
- Wrote ‘Rashmi’, a weekly column in Andhra Prabha online magazine between 2008 and 2010.
Conferences Attended
- Presented a paper titled ‘The Expendables of the Sea: Marginalization of the Traditional Fishing Community in India’in the International Conference on ‘Contested Equality International and Comparative Legal Perspectives’ organized by the University Research Priority Program (URPP), Equality of Opportunity, Faculty of Law, University of Zurich on 20-21 October 2022
- Presented a papertitled ‘Climate Change Litigation: Chronicles of the Global South’ in the 19th Asian Law Institute (ASLI) Conference with the theme ‘Sustainable Development and Law in Asia’ co-organized by the University of Tokyo Graduate Schools for Law and Politics and the Asian Law Institute (ASLI) on the 28 and 29 May 2022.
- Presented a paper titled “The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act: Evolving Law” for its presentation in an International Multidisciplinary Conference on the topic “Women in 21stCentury: Challenges and Opportunities” being organized by Ch. S. D. St Theresa College for Women, Eluru in association of Primax Foundation, Bengaluru on 9 and 10 February 2018 at Ch. S. D. T. St Theresa College for Women, Eluru, AP
- Presented a paper titled “Case Comment on Puttuswami and Another v Union of India” in a two days International Conference on the topic “National and Global Perspectives on Right to Privacy” on 19 and 20 January 2018 jointly organized by VIT School of Law, VIT University, Chennai Campus, Pacific McGeorge and Salzburg School of Law at VIT School of Law, Chennai
- Presented a paper titled “”The Mind, Environment and the World Beyond” in a two day International Conference on the topic “Peace on Earth and Space for Global Security and Human Development” organized by School of Law, GITAM University, Visakhapatnam Campus in association with Global Network against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space, Indian Chapter Centre for Cultural, Educational, Economics & Social Studies, Nagpur during 18-20 Nov 2016 at School of Law, GITAM University, Visakhapatnam Campus
- Participated in one-day online National Webinar on the topic “Global Compact on Refugees Fostering Law, Policies and Practices vis-a vis Protection and Care” jointly organized by VIT School of Law, VIT AP University; Centre for Statelessness and Refugee Studies, School of Law, Tata Institute of Social Studies, Mumbai (TISS) and United Nations High Commission for Refugees, India on 21 June 2021
- Presented a paper titled “Persons with Disabilities: Legal Perspectives and Evolving Law” in a two-day national seminar on the topic ‘Persons with Disabilities: Perspectives, Problems and Protection’ sponsored by UGC-DSAand organized by the Department of Social Work, College of Arts and Commerce, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam on 16 and 17 March 2018
- Presented paper titled “Administration of Justice in the Supreme Court of India: Rights Perspective” in a National Seminar on the topic “Human Rights Perspectives and Priorities – HRPP-2018” sponsored by UGCand organized by Department of Law, Sri Padmavathi Mahila Vishwavidyalayam, Tirupathi, AP on 3 and 4 March 2018
- Presented a paper titled “Sompeta Struggle: a Success Story” in a National Seminar on the topic “Social Movements in Post Independent India with Special Reference to Andhra Pradesh” sponsored by UGCand organized by Department of History, SKSD Mahila Kalasala UG & PG (A), Tanuku, West Godavari District, AP on 3 and 4 March 2018 which is published in National Seminar proceedings submitted to UGC.
- Presented paper titled “Twelve years journey of ‘the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005’” in a National Seminar on the topic “Women, Social Security and Law” sponsored by UGCand organized by PG Department of Legal Studies and Research, Acharya Nagarjuna University from 20 and 21 January 2018
- Presented a paper “Social Democracy – Need of the Hour” in a UGC sponsoredtwo day national seminar on “Ambedkar and Indian Democracy” organized by SKSD Mahila Kalasala UG&PG(A), Tanuku in collaboration with Centre for Ambedkar Studies, University of Hyderabad and Andhra University Campus, Tadepalligudem, West Godavari District, AP on 30 and 31 March 2017
- Participated in APSCHE sponsoredtwo-day National Seminar on “Environmental Law –Contemporary Issues, Challenges and Future Perspectives” organized by Damodaram Sanjivayya National Law University, Visakhapatnam on 6 and 7 October 2012
- Paper presentation in a two-day APSCHEsponsored National Seminar on “Law and Gender Justice” organized by AP University of Law, Visakhapatnam on 17 and 18 September 2011
- Paper presentation in a two-day National Conference of All India Law Teachers Congress (AILTC) held on 11and 12 June 2011 at New Delhi
- Paper presented in a UGC sponsoredtwo-day National Seminar on “Women Rights in India: Issues and Challenges (WRICC-2012)
- Participated in a one-day Training Programme on Human Rights conducted by Dr BR Ambedkar College of Law, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam in collaboration with NHRC on 10 December 2010
- Paper presentation in a two-day APSCHE sponsoredNational Seminar on “Right to Education in India: A Historical Perspective” organized by AP University of Law, Visakhapatnam and sponsored by APSCHE on 20 and 21 February 2010
- Paper presentation in a two-day APSCHE sponsoredNational Seminar on “Right to Information and Judiciary” organized by AP University of Law, Visakhapatnam on 20 and 21 February 2010
- Paper presentation in a two-day UGC sponsoredNational Seminar on “New Economic Policy and Labour Laws” organized by Dept. of Law, Nagarjuna University from 10 to 12 March 2001
Conferences/ Seminars Organized
- Convener for a two-day National Webinar on ‘Land, Records and Rights: Laws, Governance and Challenges” organized by DSNLU and sponsored by Indian Council of Social Science Research-South Regional Centre (ICSSR-SRC) on 19 and 20 September 2023
- Convener for a two-day National Webinar on ‘Water Management Laws: Life, Livelihood and Environment” organized by DSNLU and sponsored by Indian Council of Social Science Research-South Regional Centre (ICSSR-SRC) on 4 and 5 September 2021
- Co-Convener for a one-day National Seminar on ‘Law and Mental Health (Critical Issues in Mental Health Care Act, 2017)’ organized by DSNLU on 7 March 2019 at DSNLU, Visakhapatnam
- Faculty Coordinator for a two-day Regional Workshop on ‘The Biodiversity Act’ on 5 and 6 January 2019 organized by DSNLU in collaboration with CEERA, National Law School of India University, Bangalore (NLSIU), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Global Environmental Finances (GEF) under the UNDP-GEF Global ABS Project at DSNLU, Visakhapatnam.
- A local coordinator of IBA-CLE Chair of the National Law School of India University, Bangalore and the M.K. Nambyar Academy for Continuing Legal Education, Kochi sponsored three-day Professional Development Workshop on the topic “Environmental Law Teaching and Practice for Sustainable Development” organized by Damodaram Sanjivayya National Law University, Visakhapatnam at between 22-24 October, 2016 at Visakhapatnam
- Director of an APSCHE sponsored two-day National Seminar on “Law and Gender Justice” organized by AP University of Law, Visakhapatnam (rechristened as Damodaram Sanjivayya National Law University) on 17 and 18 September 2011
Resource Person in Academic Programs
- Lead Speaker in a technical session on the sub theme ‘Waste Management Law and Practice” of a two day UGC sponsored National Seminar organized by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar College of Law of Andhra University, Visakhapatnam on 29 and 30 November 2022.on the theme of “Contemporary Major Concerns of Environment and Development Dynamics- Legal Perspectives”
- Resource person in Online National level Training Programme on Women’s Rights organized by Manikchand Pahade Law College, Aurangabad on the topic “Women’s Rights: National Perspectives” on 8 March 2022
- Delivered an online lecture on ‘Sexual Harassment Act’ in an online meet organized by Indian Maritime University, Visakhapatnam on 9 December 2021
- Resource person in a two day FDP programme organized by Seshadripuram Law College, Bangalore on the 11 and 12 October 2021 to speak on ‘Qualitative Research’.
- Resource person in one-week National Online Lecture series on “Environmental Law” organized by Manikchand Pahade Law College, Aurangabad on the topic “Forest Laws in India” on 2 February 2021
- Co-Chair in two Technical Sessions for the event “National Model Conference of Parties” organized by DSNLU on 7 and 8 October 2017 at DSNLU, Visakhapatnam
- Resource person in a two-day Law Teachers International Seminar on 2 and 3 December 2016 organized by National Law School of India University, Bangalore on the topic “Critical Reflections on the methodology of teaching law in India” and presented a research paper titled “Discussing evolving Law with Evolving Students”
- Panelist in a Panel discussion on “Death Penalty for Rape” on 10 December 1999 organized by NALSAR reported in NALSAR Newsletter, Vol. 2, No.1, January 2000
Extension Work
- Associated with the human rights movement in Andhra Pradesh since 1983 which is/was led by KG Kannabiran, K. Balagopal, Professor G. Haragopal, Burra Ramulu, G. Narendranath and K. Jayasree. One among the 33 founding members of Human Rights Forum (HRF), an AP and Telangana based human rights organization which was formed in the year 1998.
- Participated in the preparation of the UN Human Rights Council’s 4thPeriodic Review Report for the State of AP in January 2022
- Resource person in Online Training organized by Dalit Stree Sakthi DSS) for Sakhi personnel and DSS activists and spoke on the topic “Domestic Violence Act” on 9 June 2021
- Speaker in a meeting organized by Human Rights Forum (HRF) at Guntur, Andhra Pradesh seeking “the Repeal of the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, 1967” on 13 March 2021
- Addressed a gathering on International Women’s Day at DSNLU organized by Gender Champions, DSNLU on 06-03-2020
- Chaired the 5thannual Kantamneni Ravindra Rao Memorial Lecture on “Political Challenges to Indian Constitution” at PB Siddhartha Academy Auditorium, Vijayawada on 19 January 2020
- Delivered a lecture on ‘Protection of women against sexual assault’ at Welfare Institute of Science, Technology and Management, Pinagadi, Visakhapatnam district in December 2020 organized by the Legal Aid Committee, DSNLU
- Chaired a technical session in a National Seminar on ‘ILO and Child Rights’ organized by DSNLU on 28 and 29 September 2019
- Delivered a lecture in a Three-Day Residential Training Programme on “Environment Laws and Enforcement” organized by Andhra Pradesh Human Resource Development Institute, Baptla, Guntur District, AP on 23-09-2019
- Delivered a lecture and acted as a Moderator in the Annual Philosophical Symposium on ‘Reweaving of Democracy in India: Post-2019, May 23’ organized by the Saint John’s Regional Seminary, Kondadaba, Vizianagaram District, AP on 30-08-2019
- Delivered a lecture on social issues at Maharaja Vijayaram Gajapathi Raj College of Engineering, Vizianagaram, AP on 26-08-2019
- Delivered a lecture on ‘POCSO’ in a two-day training programme for the members of Child Welfare Committees the rights of children organized by the Department of Women and Child Development, Government of AP between 13 and 15 March 2018 at DSNLU.
- Delivered a lecture on ‘The constitutional rights of children’ in a two day training programme for the members of Child Welfare Committees the rights of children organized by the Department of Women and Child Development, Government of AP between 8 and 10 March 2018 at DSNLU.
- Delivered a lecture on ‘Introduction to JJ Act’ in a two-day training programme for the members of Child Welfare Committees the rights of children organized by the Department of Women and Child Development, Government of AP between 8 and 10 March 2018 at DSNLU.
- Resource Person in a Judicial Officers Workshop organized by the Principle District cum Sessions Judge, Visakhapatnam at Visakhapatnam on 24-026-2017
- All India Radio Talk on “Human Rights” broadcasted on 10 December 2016 and radio talks on several other occasions
- Resource person in APHRD, Baptla, AP directed sensitization programme on gender issues conducted by the District Training Centre, Visakhapatnam on 8 December 2016
- Resource Person in a Judicial Officers Workshop organized by the Principle District cum Sessions Judge, Srikakulam at Srikakulam on 02-11-2012
Environmental Law
International Environmental Law
Administrative Law
Email ID: sudhakavuri@dsnlu.ac.in

Dr. K Sudha
Ph.D., M.L., B.L., B.A.
Assistant Professor