Dr. N. Bhagya Lakshmi practiced as an Advocate for 14 years at Visakhapatnam, Srikakulam Bar Associations from 1999 to 2014, handled both Civil and Criminal Matters, mainly focused on Matrimonial Matters to reconcile the disputes. Studied Five Year LLB at MPR Law College, Srikakulam and Gold medallist in Law of Torts. LLM at Andhra University with the Specialization of Criminal Law. Awarded Doctorate in thesis titled ‘Matrimonial Dispute Resolution in India through ADR Methods: A Socio-Legal study concerning Visakhapatnam Family Court’ at Andhra University, Visakhapatnam
Book Publications
- Authored a book titled “Beyond the Court Room” ADR in Matrimonial Disputes by Tejaswi Astitva Publications vide. 2456-5598, 2025
- Authored a book titled “Mediation in Black Coat” by LAMBERT Academic Publishing vide. 9786208419288, 2024
- Awarded Sri Peri Narayana Murty Memorial Gold Medal for merit in PhD (Best Thesis Award) research from Andhra University for AY 2018-19
- Nominated as a member of Executive Council of Damodaram Sanjivayya National Law University from 19.12.2024 for a period of one year.
- Honoured with Indian Glory Award 2021 for ‘Contribution to Student Development’ from Kiteskraft Production.
- ‘Best Paper Presentation Award’ in 4th National Symposium and Awards on the theme “Law, Society and Changing Social Norms’ organised by University of Allahabad & Droit Penale Group
- ‘Merit holder of the e-conference’ for the manuscript titled “Judiciary as Harbinger for Gender Equality” Published in Book titled Perspectives on Gender Justice bearing ISBN Number: 9798653618970
Delivered Lectures
- Invited by Club of Law Students Association to deliver the lecture on ‘Unlocking the Power of Legal Drafting’ at Ten Day advanced course on Drafting Techniques through virtual mode on 21.01.2025.
- Invited by APHRD Institute, Visakhapatnam to deliver the lecture at the Three-day Residential Training program on Protection of women from Atrocities from 17th-19th October, 2023.
- Delivered lecture as a speaker on ‘Arbitration clauses in agreements’ & Mediation in Personal disputes’ in an awareness campaign which was organised by Broadridge Financial Solutions (India) Private Limited, HITEC City, Hyderabad during 11th & 12th April 2023.
- Invited as a Resource Person for the ‘Training on Legal and Procedural Aspects of Indirect Taxation with special reference to GST’ organised by National Academy of Customs, Indirect Taxes & Narcotics, Zonal Campus, Visakhapatnam
- Attended as a ‘Speaker’ for the sessions of campaign conducted by Kshitizz, NGO on ‘Safety of Women in Public Transport’ at BondavaniPalem, Gottivada.
- Invited as a “Co-Chair” for Two Day National Seminar on “ILO AND CHILD RIGHTS”, Commemoration of 100 years of ILO, organized by DSNLU.
- Delivered lecture on ‘Technology facilitated sexual violence: The dark side of the virtual world’ as a resource person in UGC National Seminar on “Women and Technology” organized by Dr. Durgabai Deshmukh Centre for Women’s Studies, Andhra University on 31st march 2018.
- Invited as a ‘Chief Guest’ for the International Women’s Day program at Visakhapatnam Steel Plant organized by AIDWA.
- Participated as a Resource person (nominated by Damodaram Sanjivayya National Law University, Sabbavaram, Visakhapatnam) in Two Day Legal Awareness Program on Women related Laws organized by Dist. Women and Child Development Agency in association with the National Commission for Women, Visakhapatnam
- Invited as a ‘Speaker’ in Round Table Conference organized by the Indian Association of Lawyers (IAL) on the Topic ‘Recollecting pioneers of PIL and Free Legal Aid’
Invited as a Resource Person to present best practices of legal services to marginalized people in the National Seminar on the ‘Role of Law Schools, Legal Aid Clinics in facilitating Access to Justice’ organized by National Legal Services Authority (NALSA) on 30.07.2017 at New Delhi. - Invited as a Resource Person to share views in UNDP & Department of Justice sponsored International Conference on ‘Rethinking Socially Relevant Legal Education: Best Practices and way forward’ organized by National Law University, Odisha, Cuttack on 16th&17th September 2017.
- On International Women’s Day 2022, an Awareness Talk on ‘Safety of Women & Protection Laws” was conducted at Govt. Degree College, Sabbavaram on 7th March 2022 on behalf of the Gender Champions Committee, DSNLU.
M.A., LL.M., Ph.D.Publications
PUBLICATIONS Articles/Journals/Edited Books |
# | Title of the Article | Title of the Book/Journal | ISBN/ISSN |
1. | Published a Telugu article “Videsi Yanam: Vivaha Vyavastha Gamanam”, | Diasporic Literature, page 232, peer reviewed, published by HSRA publications, 2024. |
ISBN: 978-93-5506-912-2 |
2. | Published an article titled ‘Emergence of Infrastructure Development and Impact on Environment: Balancing Strategies’ | Beyond Green Complexities: Understanding Environmental Issues and Challenges peer reviewed special edition, published by Aequitas Victoria Foundation® & KLEF College of Law, KL (Deemed to be) University, Pg.46-60, October, 2024 | ISBN: 978-81-976379-5-7 |
3. | Published an article titled “Matrimonial Discords: Amicable Dispute Resolution’ | Veritas peer reviewed special edition vide published by Gitam, July 2024. | ISBN no. 978-81-975947-9-3 |
4. | Contributed an article to vernacular publication titled ‘Balyam Bhavithalo Balala Rakshana Chattalu: Pathra’ | Journal of Indian Law and Society (JILS), The National University of Juridical Sciences, Peer Reviewed, vide, 1st March 2024 | ISSN: 2277-5552 |
5. | Published an article titled ‘Advertisements and Consumer Culture: Protection under Consumer Law’ |
Consumer Law and Practice: Contemporary Issues and Way Forward, pg.96-105, published by National Law School of India University, Bangalore & Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Govt. of India, 2023. (Scopus Indexed) |
ISBN 978939111021 |
6. | Published an article titled A study on ‘COVID-19 as a Disaster’ | Environmental Education Legislation and Disaster Management, pg. 28 to 30, published by SGSH Publications, 2023 |
ISBN 978939598648, |
7. | Published an article titled ‘Gender Sensitivity: Need of the hour’ | Human Rights and Gender Justice , published by Kerala Law Academy, Trivandrum, 2023 |
ISBN 978-93-5578-165-9, pg. 139-143 |
8. | Published an article titled, “Infrastructure Resilience: An Emerging issue of Disaster Risk Reduction” | Disaster & Development, Vol. 11, Issue 01, January to June 2022 , by journal of the National Institute of Disaster Management (UGC Cared). (nidm.gov.in) | ISSN 0973-6700 |
9. | Contributed a Chapter titled ‘Influence of Immigration on Child Welfare | “Citizenship and Immigration Laws-Contemporary Issues” by Asia Law House Publications, July 2022 Pg.50 to 55 (Peer Reviewed) | ISBN-878-83-94739-24-6 |
10. | Published an Article titled ‘Infrastructure Projects: A Way Forward to ‘Smart Cities’ | UGC sponsored online e-journal ‘INDIA@75 Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, May 2022, Page 45 to 56 | ISBN: 978-81-951173-8-3 |
11. | Published an Article titled A Legal insight on ‘Judiciary Role in Upholding Access to Justice’ | XII National Online Conference Proceedings on ‘Emerging Trends in Rule of Law, Democratic Norms and Constitutional Law Values, published by School of Law, CHRIST, Bengaluru, May 2022 Pg.105 to 111 | ISBN: 978-93-5626-995-8, |
12. | Published Article titled ‘The #Me Too Movement in the Digital Era: Indian Perspective” | Women’s studies International Forum by Elsevier Science Direct, May-June 2022 (Scopus Indexed) | ISSN 0277-5395 |
13. | Contributed Chapter Titled ‘ Changing Facets of Matrimonial Bond’ | “Family Law Prospects and Challenges” by Satyam Law International Publications, Sweden March 2022 Pg.47 to 60 |
ISBN-978-93-91345-68-6 |
14. | Contributed Chapter Titled ‘Educationally Backward: Sign of Poverty’ | “Global Issues of Poverty, Development & Population” Red Shine International Publications, January 2022 Pg.10 to 16 | ISBN-978-91-987581-0-8 |
15. | Crime Against Women & ADR: Appropriate or Alternative | International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, vol.8, Issue 11, November 2021, Pg.584 to 590 (UGC listed) | E-ISSN 2349-5162 |
16. | Education in Pandemic: Issues & Challenges | Research Journey: International E-Research Journal (Peer reviewed, Referred & Indexed) Special, Issue 277 (A), Pg. 167, October 2021, Publisher: Swatidhan International Publications | E-ISSN-2348-7143 |
17. | Psychological Effect of Divorce on Children | Law and Mental Health (Clinic to Community Care) Pg.171, (Peer Reviewed) | 978-81-954254-1-9i |
18. | Contributed chapter titled ‘An Overview on Unemployment’ | Employment Promotion in Rural India (A Post Covid 19 approach) pg.77 – 87, Nitya Publications, Bhopal, 2021 | 978-93-90390-60-1 |
19. | Contributed chapter titled “COVID 19 & Health: Issues and Perspectives” | UBI SOCIETAS IBI IUS (Page 269), 2021 (Peer Reviewed) |
978-81-947316-3-4 |
20. | Universal Access to Education: Issues & Challenges in Rural India | Amity International Journal of Teacher Education, Vol.7 No.1 (Peer Reviewed Journal) (pg.32) | ISSN 2396-616X |
21. | “The Disembodied Womb: Mothering for Money” |
Surrogacy and ART in India Socio-Legal and Ethical Dilemma Publisher: Satyam Law International |
978-93-87839-57-1 |
22. | Judiciary as Harbinger for Gender Equality | Perspectives on Gender Justice, 2020, pg.1(Peer Reviewed) | 9798653618970 |
23. | Life or Livelihood during COVID 19 | Tejasvi Astitva Multi-Lingual Multi-Disciplinary Peer-Reviewed Research Journal (Online), June 2020 | 2581-9070 |
24. | Detention of Under trail Prisoners: A Bird’s eye view of the Judiciary | Pen Acclaims journal, Vol.6, July 2019, Peer-Reviewed | e-ISSN 2581-5504 |
25. | Dr. B R Ambedkar: A Ray hope of marginalized people | Proceedings of National Conference on Relevance of Ambedkarism for social transformation in contemporary India, July 2019 | ISBN 9789388808286 |
26. | Chattam BadrathaloMahila (Telugu Literature) | Tejasvi Astitva Research Magazine Peer-reviewed web journal, August 2019 | ISBN 2581-9070 |
27. | “Untouchability: Perception of Mahatma” | Proceedings of International Conference on Impact of Gandhian ideals on socio, economic, cultural and literary aspects, November 2019 | ISBN 9789386435972 |
28. | ‘Tribes under the shield of the Indian Constitution’ | Our Heritage Journal, Vol-67-Issue-2-July-December-2019 (UGC Care Approved) | ISSN 0474-9030 |
29. | Life Insurance: A step towards family security | Proceedings of International Conference on Insurance Law and Regulations Global Practices, 2018 | 9789388237437 |
30. | Honor Killing: Is it pride for the family? | “International Journal of Legal Developments and Allied Issues” (International Multi disciplinary) |
ISSN 2454-1273 |
31. | ‘Marital disharmony: Fate of Children’ | Journal of Juvenile & Family Law, Vol. I, Issue .1, March 2017 ,(UGC Cared) | 2446-2101 |
32. | ‘Women Empowerment in the era of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar’ | International Journal of Academic Research, Voice of Intellectual, Vol. IV, Issue 3(5), 2017 (International Multi disciplinary) |
2348-7666 |
33. | “Ethnic & Legal issues of Surrogacy in India” | South Asian Law Review, Vol.3, 2017(Peer Reviewed) | 2456-7531 |
34. | ‘Child Labour: The Constitutional Perspective’ | Journal of Rights of the Child, NLUO, Odisha Vol.2 Issue. 2, 2017 (Peer Reviewed) | November 2017 |
35. | Evolution of Social Network: Revolution in Family Network’ | Al Ameen Law Review, March 2016 Vol.3 | 2347-8624 |
36. | ‘Irretrievable Breakdown of Marriage as a ground for divorce: Use or Abuse’ | Law and Society: A New Challenge (International Journal of Law) Vol. III No.1 January – June 2016 | 2348-4861 |
37. | ‘Mediation: Marital Conflict Resolution Therapy’ | Bharathi Law Review Vol. V, Issue.2, October to December 2016 | 2278-6996 |
38. | Child Labour – Is it for Livelihood’ 2015 | Child Labour in India: Policy Initiatives First Edition | ISBN No. 978-93-83729-73-9 |
39. | ‘Mutual Understanding vis-à-vis Mutual consent’ | Indian Journal of Legal Philosophy Vol.2 Issue. 4(1) December 2014 | 2347-4963 |
40. | Importance of Pre-marital Counselling’ | Journal of Legal Analysis and Research Vol.1 Issue.4 December 2014 | 248-456X |
- Presented a paper titled ‘Technology as a Pattern of Crime vis-à-vis Crime Prevention Strategy’ in the First International Conference on Criminal and Criminal Justice conducted on 3-4 October 2024 at University of Jayawardanepura, Sri Lanka.
- Presented a Paper titled ‘‘Emergence of Infrastructure Development and Impact on Environment: Balancing Strategies’ in one day International Conference on Beyond Green Complexities: Understanding Environmental Issues and Challenges organised by Aequitas Victoria Foundation® & KLEF College of Law, KL (Deemed to be) University on September 16, 2024.
- Presented a Paper titled ‘From Knowledge to Action: Empowering Consumers with Legal Rights; in one day National Seminar on The Consumer Protection Act, 2019: Issues & Challenges organised by Shankarrao Chavan Law College, Pune on 17th August 2024.
- Presented a paper titled ‘Disability Based Violence: Invisible Issues’ in Two Days International Seminar on “Disability Rights and Law and Law Relating to Women and Children”, Date: 19th And 20th January, 2024 Organized By Law Mantra Trust in Collaboration with Centre for Studies Related to Persons with Disabilities, Himachal Pradesh National Law University, Shimla
- Presented a paper titled ‘Role of Judiciary in Unfolding Gender Discrimination’ in 4th NLIU National Conference on Gender and Law, 2024 Organised by Gender Justice Cell, NLIU on 2nd & 3rd April, 2024 at National Law Institute University, Bhopal.
- Presented a paper titled ‘VidesiYanam: Vivaha Gamanam’ in 2 Days International Seminar on DIASPORIC LITERATURE on March 1-2, 2024 Organised by AU TDR HUB, Andhra University in association with Telugumalli, Australia.
- Presented a paper titled ‘Disability based violence: Invisible issues and challenges’ in Two- Day International Seminar “Disability Rights and Law and Law Relating to Women and Children” on 19-20, January 2024 organised by LawMantra in association with HPNLU, Simla.
- Presented a paper titled ‘The Emergence of Artificial intelligence: Peril to Human Rights’ in the Two-Day National Conference ‘Elevating Equality: Analysing the Intersection of Gender and Human Rights Law’ organised by ICFAI Law School, Hyderabad, held on 2nd & 3rd November
- Presented a paper titled ‘Mahatma’s Inspiration: Women in Freedom Movement’ in the Two-Day International Conference on ‘Emerging Global Order: Relevance of Gandhian Thought’ organised by Gandhian Studies Centre, Andhra University held on 2-3 October 2023.
- Presented a paper titled ‘Challenges & Issues of Consumers: Protection Laws’ in the National Seminar on Consumer Protection and Consumerism in India: Changing contours of Law & Practice’ organised by ICFAI University, Jharkand, held on 25th August 2023.
- Presented a paper titled ‘ Nexus between Extreme Poverty and Human Trafficking in the Two-Day National Conference on Social Justice and Collective Rights, 2023 organised by the Centre for Human Rights, Gender and Social Inclusion, Faculty of Law, Jagran Lakecity University, held on 28th-29th March, 2023.
- Presented a paper titled ‘Live-In Relationship: Walk in or Walk Out – Protection Under Law’ in National Seminar on Live-in Relationship: Impact on Family Laws in India organized by DSNLU during March 11-12, 2023.
- Presented a paper titled ‘Adivasi Displacement vis-a-vis Infrastructure Projects: Socio- economic issues in National Seminar on Land, Records, and Rights: Laws, Governance & Challenge organized by DSNLU sponsored by ICSSR during 19-20 February, 2023.
- Presented a paper titled ‘Impact of Movies on Youth & Attitude Towards Society’ at the International Conference on Media Consumption and Mental Health’ organized by Jyoti Nivas College, Bangalore on 01.2023.
- Presented paper titled, “Electricity Sector: Issues and Challenges” at the International Energy Law Colloquium organised by the Centre for Energy and Telecommunication Laws of Maharashtra National Law University, Nagpur held on July 16, 2022, through virtual mode.
- Presented a paper titled “Parental Disharmony: ‘Welfare’ of Unaccompanied Children” in One Day International Seminar on “Protection of Women and Children Rights: Issues and Challenges” organised by Law Mantra in collaboration with The Indian Law Institute, New Delhi, Maharashtra National Law University (MNLU)-Nagpur, Maharashtra National Law University, Aurangabad, SRM University -Sonepat & VIT-AP School of Law 23rd July, 2022.
- Presented a paper titled “Reconceptualization of ‘Right to Residence’ under the Domestic Violence Act” in the National Seminar on ‘Identification of Abusive Relationships and Prevention of Domestic Violence’ organized by Symbiosis Law School, Nagpur in collaboration and sponsored by the National Commission for Women, Delhi on March 08th, 2022.
- Presented a paper titled ‘Highway Projects: Issues & Dispute Resolution” in the International Seminar on ‘International Commercial Arbitration: Issues and Challenges” organized by the Centre for Alternative Dispute Resolution, Damodaram Sanjivayya National Law University, Visakhapatnam on March 26 & 27th, 2022.
- Presented a paper titled ‘Social Media: Legal Framework’ in the 12th International seminar on ‘Changing Dimensions of Media Law’ organized by Kerala Law Academy, on
- Presented a paper titled A Legal insight on ‘Judiciary role in upholding Access to Justice’ in the “XII National Online Conference on Emerging Trends in Rule of Law, Democratic Norms and Constitutional Values” organized by National Conference Committee, 2021-22, School of Law, CHRIST (Deemed to be University) held on January 27th and 28th, 2022
- Presented Paper titled ‘“Gender Sensitivity: Need of the Hour” at 9th Virtual International Conference on Human Rights and Gender Justice’ Organized by Kerala Law Academy, Trivandrum on Dec’4 2021.
- Presented paper titled ‘Covid 19 & Health: Issues & Perspectives’ in 4th National Symposium and Awards on the theme “Law, Society and Changing Social Norms’ organised by University of Allahabad & Droit Penale Group on 9th& 10th January, 2021 and awarded ‘Best Presentation Award’.
- Presented paper titled ‘Universal Access to Education and Rural India’ at the National e-conference on the theme “Blended Teaching-Learning: The Future of Education” organised by Faculty of Education, Amity University Uttar Pradesh (AUUP) on2ndFebruary 2021.
- Presented Paper titled ‘Issues in Road Construction Projects: Dispute Resolution Process’ in an International Virtual Conference on The Future of Dispute Resolution in Infrastructure Sector (ICDRIS-2021), organised by Adani Institute of Infrastructure, Ahmedabad during 12 and 13 February 2021.
- Presented Paper titled ‘Penury as a factor in Human Trafficking’ at E-International Seminar on the theme ‘One Day E- International Seminar on Human Trafficking, Slavery and Exploitation’ Organized by Law Mantra Trust, The Indian Law Institute, New Delhi Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab Maharashtra National Law University, Nagpur, The Indian Society of International Law, New Delhi on 06.2021.
- Presented the paper titled ‘Influence of Immigration on Child Welfare’ in the 1st National Seminar on Immigration and Crimmigration-Issues and Challenges organised by Centre for Immigration and Citizenship Laws, Symbiosis Law School, Hyderabad on 31st May 2020.
- Presented the paper titled ‘“COVID-19: PARADOXICAL SITUATION VIS A VIS FOOD SECURITY” in National Conference on Government Accountability & Transparency: A Global Perspective” organised by Research and Development cell of Asian Law College (ALC), Noida on 17th October 2020
- Presented paper titled “Nuptial Disharmony: Attorney as a Mediator” in the One-Day Virtual Conference on “RECENT TRENDS IN MEDIATION” organized on 24thOctober, 2020 by the ADR Society of Maharashtra National Law University, Nagpur.
- Presented paper titled “Zero FIR: A Precious Right of Women” in Two days UGC Sponsored National Seminar on ‘Women in Civilised Society & Law’ organized by G. Department of Legal Studies & Research’, Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur during 8th& 9th February 2020.
- Presented paper titled ‘Professional Negligence in Medico-Legal Cases’ in Two Day National Seminar on ‘Law and Medicine: An Interdisciplinary Perspective’ organized by GITAM School of Law, Visakhapatnam during 14 & 15 February 2020.
- Presented paper titled “Judiciary as Harbinger for Gender Equality” at an International e-Conference on Gender Justice being organized by Centre for Legal Research and Studies Jaipur, Rajasthan on 10th April 2020 and awarded merit holder of the e-conference. (Paper Published)
- Presented paper titled ‘Life or Livelihood during Covid-19’ in an International Webinar organized by Tejasvi Astitva Foundation on May’15 2020. (Paper Published)
- Presented a paper titled ‘Life Insurance: A step towards family security’ in International conference on ‘Insurance Law and Regulations Global Practices’ organized by ICFAI Law School, Hyderabad on February 1-3, 2019 (Paper Published)
- Presented a paper titled ‘Paryavarana Parirakshana: Haritha Chattalu’ (Telugu Literature) in International conference on ‘Writing the Anthropocene: Engendering Ecological Consciousness in English & Telugu Literatures’ organized by Department of English, Adikavi Nannaya University, Rajamahendravaram from 18th to 20th February 2019.
- Presented a paper titled ‘Dr. B.R. Ambedkar: A Ray Hope for marginalized’ in Two-Day National seminar on ‘Relevance of Ambedkarism for social Transformation in contemporary India’ organized by Dr. VS Krishna Govt. Degree and PG College, Visakhapatnam during 30th and 31st July2019.(Paper Published)
- Presented paper titled “Chattam Badrathalo Mahila” in National Seminar on “Visionary Women” organized by Visakha Government Degree College for Women in association with Tejasviastitva on 12 September 2019.
- Presented paper titled “Future of working child: Role of ILO” at the Two-Day National Seminar on “ILO AND CHILD RIGHTS”, Commemoration of 100 years of ILO, organized by DSNLU during 28-29 September 2019.
- Presented paper titled “Girl as a Victim of Acid Attacks” in National Seminar on “A Socio-Legal Perspective of Rights of Victims in Criminal Justice System” organized by Research & Development Cell of Asian Law College on October 19, 2019.
- Presented paper titled ‘Tribes under the shield of Indian Constitution’ in a Two-Day National Conference on ‘Performance of Development Programmes in India: Issues and Challenges’ organized by St. Joseph’s College for Women, Visakhapatnam during 22-23 November 2019.(Paper Published)
- Presented paper titled ‘Untouchability: Perception of Mahatma’ in a Two-Day International Conference on Impact of Gandhian ideals on socio, economic, cultural, and literary aspects, organized by Ch.S.D. Theresa’s College for women, Eluru during November 29-30, 2019. (Paper Published)
- Presented a paper on ‘Marital Rape: undefined Violence’ in International Seminar on ‘Women and Law’ organized by the Law Mantra in collaboration with the International Council of Jurists, London on 13th January 2018 at the Indian Law Institute, New Delhi. (Paper Published)
- Presented a paper titled ‘Re-vision of Prisoners Human Rights’ in UGC Sponsored Two-Day National Seminar on ‘Human Rights: Perspectives & Priorities’ organized by the Department of Law, Sri Padmavathi Mahila Visvavidyalayam, Tirupathi, and during 3rd&4th March 2018.
- Presented a paper titled ‘Challenges of women in Legal Profession’ in UGC-SAP-DRS-II sponsored National Seminar on ‘Law, Legal Education, and Profession’ organized by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar College of Law, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam during 1st and 2nd September 2018.
- Presented a paper titled ‘A Legal insights on women progress in the society’ in UGC National Seminar on ‘Status of women in India: Role of the Civil Society and State’ organized by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar College of Law, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam on 30th October 2018.
- Paper presented on ‘Women Empowerment in the era of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar’, UGC sponsored Two Day National Seminar on “Ambedkar and Indian Democracy”, Organised by Department of English, S.K.S.D Mahila Kalasala (UG& PG), Tanuku, W.G. Dist, A.P on 30th& 31st March 2017.
- Presented a paper titled ‘Dynamics of Women Empowerment: Judiciary Role’ at UGC- SAP-DRS II sponsored National Seminar on Challenges to Indian Constitutional Fundamentals and Ambedkarism organised by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar College of Law, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam on 19th-20th March 2016.
- Presented a paper titled ‘Child Labour – Is it for Livelihood’ at National workshop on Child Labour in India: Issues and Concerns organised by Centre for Study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam on June 12, 2015
Email ID: bhagyasri.n@dsnlu.ac.in

Dr. Bhagyalakshmi N
M.A., LL.M., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor