- Name :Prof. D. Surya Prakasa Rao
- Designation :Vice Chancellor,
Damodaram Sanjivayya National Law University (DSNLU), Visakhapatnam.Honorary Professor, Former Chairman, Faculty of Law and Former Principal,Dr. B.R.Ambedkar College of Law, Andhra University Visakhapatnam.Former Visiting Professor, MNLU Nagpur - Total Teaching Experience:37 Years by March 31st 2023
Damodaram Sanjivayya National Law University (DSNLU), Visakhapatnam.
18 Years as Professor by March 31st, 2023
Teaching Experience
- Assistant Professor:Sir C.R Reddy Law College, Eluru
(02-04-1986 to 23-03-1994)
Department of Law, Andhra University
(24-03-1994 to 18-01-1999) - Associate Professor: Department of Law, Andhra University
(19-01-1999 to 18-01-2007)
Department of Law, Andhra University
(19-01-2007 to till date)
Total length of service as professor 18 Years and
- Educational Qualifications :B.Sc., LL.M., Ph.D in Law
JRF & NET- 1990 - Awards Received : 1. Received “BEST TEACHER” by the Government
of Andhra Pradesh in 2015.
2.Best Researcher Award by Andhra University,
3.Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishna Best Teacher Award of Andhra University in 2009
Research & Teaching
- Actively engaged in Research & Teaching for both Under Graduate and Post Graduate level since (33 years by 2018).
- Acted as Resource Person in several Workshops and Chaired sessions at National, Regional Seminars and Conferences. Given guest lectures in several Institutions.
- Awarded Best Researcher in 2007 by Andhra University for outstanding research and teaching in Law.
- Awarded Best Teacher in 2010 by Andhra University for outstanding research and teaching in Law.
- Coordinator, Department of Human Rights and Duties, Andhra
- Coordinator, PG Diploma in Human Rights and Duties (HRD Programme), Andhra
- Coordinator, M. (Human Rights and Duties (HRD Programme)), Andhra University.
- Chairman, Disciplinary Committee, MNLU Nagpur for the Academic year 2022 to 2023
- Chairman, Library Committee, MNLU Nagpur for the Academic year 2022 to 2023
- Chairman, Moderation Committee, MNLU Nagpur for the Academic year 2022 to 2023
- Member, Research Committee, MNLU Nagpur for the Academic year 2022 to 2023
- Coordinator UGC SAP DRS II (sanctioned Rupees One Crore and Twenty Lakhs).
- UGC expert committee member for interfacing of UGC major and minor research
- Special Invitee by Law Commission of India for draft proposal of Uniform Civil Code 2023
- Selection committee member of S.V. University, Madras University, Raipur University and Berhampur University
- Visiting Professor and Expert Committee member of NLSIU-Bangalore, NALSAR-Hyderabad, Chanakya National Law University-Patna, National Judicial Academy and Law School-Gauhati, Acharya Nagarjuna University- Guntur, Osmania University-Hyderabad, Padmavathi Mahila University- Tirupati, Madras University-Chennai, of Indian Legal Thought, M K University-Kottayam, Nagpur University-Nagpur, Pune University-Pune.
- Maratwada University-Aurangabad, Pandit ravi Shankar Shukla University- Raipur, Alighar University-Alighar and Kashmir University-Srinagar.
- Paper setter for LLB, LLM and pre Ph.D of various universities, APPSC, APSLET, and OPP
- Principal, University College of Law, U. Chairman, Faculty of Law, Andhra University. Former Chairman, BOS in Law, Andhra University.
- Ex Convener, U. Dr B.R. Ambedkar College of Law Research forum I/C Head, Department of Law, Andhra University.
- Member, Research Committee, Departmental Committee and Member Doctorial Committee of Law of various
- Member Board of Studies of Osmania, ANU, Yogi Vemana,
- Chairman Board of Studies in Law of Adikavi Nannaya University, Rajahmundry and B.R. Ambedkar University Srikakulam.
Research Projects:
- Principal Investigator for the research project on Environment of NALSAR UNIVERSITY OF LAW, i.e., Deforestation and Environmental Impact on Godavari Valley/Eco-Legal Management of Ground Water and Aquaculture – Godavari Basin a study with reference to Godavari and Visakhapatnam Districts of Andhra Pradesh. (Sponsored by World Bank for environment capacity building project and report submitted in2003).
- Research project on Legal Status and Empowerment of Women-an Empirical study of five coastal districts of Andhra University area (financed by U.G.C. through Andhra University and report submitted in 2002).
- Research Project on INCLUSIVE GROWTH Financed by A.U. Law College under SAP
Present Position:
Honorary Professor Dr. B. R Ambedkar College of Law, Andhra University,Visakhapatnam. Academic Leadership (Important Seminars/ Workshop organized as Director, Organizing Secretary and coordinator)
- Organized National workshop on Environmental Justice and Constitutional Jurisprudence of NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad on 28th and 29th March, 2002 at
- Organized National Seminar on Environment-Law and Policy Perspectives of NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad at Bhimavaram on 22nd and 23rd Feb,
- Organized National seminar on Intellectual Property Rights – New Agenda for Developing Countries on 17th and 18th July, 2004 at B.R. Ambedkar College of Law, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, Sponsored by Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
- Organized National Seminar on Intellectual property Rights Law and policy- Emerging Trends and challenges on 16 July 2005 at Andhra
- Organized workshops for NALSAR University of law, Hyderabad at Kakinada and Visakhapatnam on Environmental Management capacity Building and Ground Water Management in
- Organized 10 Senstitization Programmes on Abatement of Pollution for NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad at Visakhapatnam, Kakinada, Srikakulam and Bhimavaram in 2004 and 2005 for advocates, Judicial Officers, G.Os and Law Teachers.
- Organized a National Seminar on “Challenges to Indian Constitutional Fundamentals and Ambedkarism” on 19th & 20th March 2016 in Dr. BR Ambedkar College of Law, Andhra university.
Research Guidance and Supervision :
Post Graduation and M.Phil Level Guided 200 Dissertations and 200 Project Reports for L.L.M/M.L Students.
Supervision :
- Ph.D’s Awarded 58
- Ph.D’s Thesis submitted 5
- Ph.D Scholars presently doing research
Papers Published :
- Ph.D’s Awarded 58
- Ph.D’s Thesis submitted 5
- Ph.D’s Scholars presently doing research: 20
Publications :
- Published 1 Book and 50 Papers in Journals of National and International
- Presented around 100 Papers in National
- Presented Papers in 4 International
Seminars/Symposia/Workshops Participated : | 100 |
Refresher/Orientation Programmes Attended : | 4 |
Radio/T.V. Talk Shows : | 30 |
Interviews/Articles Published in Telugu NewsPapers : | 10 |
Major Areas of Interest:
- Jurisprudence,
- Constitutional law,
- Family Law,
- Human Rights,
- International Economic Laws including WTO and Intellectual Property Laws,
- Alternate Dispute Settlement Mechanism,
- Free Legal Aid and Legal Education,
- Economic Analysis of Law,
- Commercial Laws,
- Environmental Law.
B.Sc., LL.M., Ph.D in Law JRF & NET- 1990Publications
- Constitutional Jurisprudence and Environmental Justice- 2002.- Frestschrift volume in honour of Prof. A Lakshminath… H. Index (details enclosed).
- PEdited Sir Alladi Krishna Swamy Ayer Endowment Lecture on “Enculturing Constitutionalism and Transformative Justice from Dharmoprudence to Demosprudence” by Prof. A. Lakshminath, 2022.
- Presently revising G.C.V. Subba Rao’s Jurisprudence and Legal Theory of E.B.C Publication, Lucknow.
- Te Anatomy of Indian Legal Education: racing a Case for Continuing Legal Education 123, D.S. Prakasa Rao & Prakash Sharma. CLINICAL AND ARTICLES CONINUING LEGAL EDUCACION A ROADMAP FOR INDIA Edited by S. SIVAKUMAR P RAKASH SHARMA A BHISHEK K UMAR PANDEY Foreword by H ON BLE M R JUSICE ROHINON F. NARIMAN Judge, Supreme Court of India. Index (details enclosed)
- Re-inventing Laws through Judicial Activism – A boom for Competitive Advantage in Today’s Global World. – Prof. D.S. Prakasa Rao, Vice Chancellor, DSNLU. Perspective on Indian Constitution and Development, Indian Law Institute, Bhagwan Das Road, New Delhi. 2023.
- Pioneering Indian Legal Education – For Professional Competence and Social Responsibility as per the changing Needs of the Indian Society. – Prof.(Dr.) D.S. Prakasa Rao, Vice Chancellor, DSNLU., NLUJ L. REV. 1 (2025).
SI. NO. |
Name of the Article |
Journal/ Book Published |
1. | Public Interest Litigation – A Revolutionary Change in Judicial Process |
Souvenir released by A.P. Bar Council in 1986. |
2. | Compensation through writs – A revolutionary change in Judicial Process |
Young Lawyer in 1992 |
3. | Secularism | Young Lawyer in 1993 |
4. | Secularism – Need of the hour | Supreme Court Journal 1992 |
5. | Implementation of Mandal Commission Report – An Unequal Distribution of Benefits. |
Supreme Court Journal 1993 |
6. | Reservation Policy – some reflections with Special reference to Mandal case. |
Supreme Court Journal 1993 |
7. | Right to Education – To Whom? Against whom? |
Supreme Court Journal 1994 |
8. | Social Justice through Constitutionalism- Relevance of Ambedkarism today. | Published in a book on Law and Society, edited by Mohammad Shabbir – Rawat Publications, Jaipur, 1997. |
9. | An interview on Elections | Published in Eenadu 1991 |
10. | Search and Seizure – Constitutional and Legal Perspectives. |
Supreme Court Journal 1995 |
11 | Right to Development – National and International Perspectives. |
Supreme Court Journal 1995 |
12 | Election Commission – single body or Multiple body | Supreme Court Journal 1995 |
13 | Election Commission – Structure – Problems – Prospects. |
A.U. Law College Journal 1996. |
14 | Right to Privacy | Research Notes, Andhra University. |
15 | Judicial Activism or Tyranny | Vartha Daily 1996 |
16 | Political Shadow on the Constitution | Vartha Daily 2000 |
17 | Indian Constitution – An instrument Supreme Court Journal 1997 to bring social change or an Hindrance to social growth | Supreme Court Journal 1997 |
18 | Interaction between law and Society | Supreme Court Journal 1997 |
19 | Economic Analysis of Law – Indian Experience | A.U. Law Journal 2000 |
20 | Manava Hakkulu – Avagahana (Human Rights – An Understanding) |
Published in a book on Human Rights in Telugu |
21 | Constitutional justice – Ambedkar’s perspective Selected as comprehensive and research oriented article and published in New Millennium Bharat Ratna Babasaheb Dr.B.R.Ambedkar Commemorative volume on Constitution, Law and social justice by Mohd.Shabbier, Ambedkar Professor, Ambedkar chair, Alighar Muslim University, Alighar, 2003. I. Index (details enclosed) | |
22 | Development & Information Technology vis-a-vis social control through Law. | Berhampur University, Law Journal Berhampur, Orissa. |
23 | Governor – An Independent Constitutional Authority or otherwise. | Published in festschrift in honour of Prof. A. Lakshminath. |
24 | Constitutional Obligations – Problems and policy perspectives. | Supreme Court Journal 2001(4) I. Index (details enclosed) |
25 | Judicial Accountability vis-à-vis Rule of Law Published in a book released in connection with U.G.C. Sponsored National Conference on Judicial Independence & Accountability Organised by University Law College, Utkal University, Vanivihar, Bhubaneswar, Orissa, August, 2001. | |
26 | Intellectual property Rights & Human Rights Published in Education & Space, a monthly journal published from Visakhapatnam | |
27 | Women Property Rights – Need to have uniform Law | Published in a book on Women and Law 2002 |
28 | Social Justice & Constitutionalism – Ambedkar’s perspective |
Published in Festschrift volume in honour of Prof. A. Lakshminath H. Index (details enclosed) |
29 | Human Rights through Constitutional Culture | Published in Berahmpur University Law Journal 2004 |
30 | Uniform Succession Code | Accepted for the publication in Supreme Court Journal |
31 | Edited Souvenir released in the National Seminar on Environment- Law & Policy Perspectives of NALSAR UNIVERSITY OF LAW, HYDERABAD, held at K.G.R. College, Bhimavaram from 21 to 23 February 2002. | |
32 | New Patent Regime and Intellectual Property Rights Jurisprudence Problems and prospects. | Published in A.U. Law Journal 2003. |
33 | Cyber crimes including cyber squatting vis-a-vis cyber mark legal protection – Cyber Space and the Law Issues and Challenges edited by Ranbir Singh and Ghanshyam Singh published by NALSAR UNIVERSITY of Law, Hyderabad 2005. | |
34 | Human Right Education – Need of the Hour – Human Right Education Law and Society edited by Ranbir Singh and Ghanshyam Singh published by NALSAR UNIVERSITY of Law, Hyderabad 2005. | |
35 | Human Rights – Ideology and practice – Indian perspective – Journal of Indian Legal Thought vol 1, 2003 (JILT vol 1, 2003).. I. Index (details enclosed) | |
36 | Relevance of Ancient Indian Legal Thought Today Journal of Indian Legal Thought vol2, 2005 (JILT vol2, 2005) I. Index (details enclosed) | |
37 | Human Rights Jurisprudence – Problems and Prospects – India and Human Right Reflections edited by T.S.N. Sastry concept publishers of campus New Delhi, 2005, H. Index (details enclosed) | |
38 | Uniform succession code – a first step to Uniform Civil code Festschrift in honour of Prof. N. S. J. Rao, 2003. |
39 | The impact of DNA Technology on law with special reference to Malimath Committee Report Published in the souvenir released in the National Seminar on DNA test and the Law, held at school of legal studies, Gurunanakdev University, Regional Campus, Jalandhar on 27 to 28 March, 2004. | |
40 | Right to education – constitutional Conundrum – article published in a book released in the national seminar on Educational Rights of Minorities held at Hyderabad 2003. | |
41 | Protection of copyright through law in internet age New challenges published in Law on Copyright edited by Prof. S.M. Afzal Qadri and Dr. Farooq Ahmad Book vision Srinagar, 2005. | |
42 | Constitutional Justice – Ambedkar Perspective – published in constitutional Jurisprudence and Environmental justice 2002. H. Index (details enclosed) | |
43 | Aqua culture – Published in the Souvenir released in the National Seminar on Environment Law and Policy held at Bhimavaram 2003. | |
44 | Edited souvenir released in the National seminar on IPR – New Agenda for Developing Countries on 17 and 18 July 2004 at Visakhapatnam | |
45 | Development of Human Rights through Judicial process published in a book entitled Development of the Constitutional Law in India through Judicial Process, edited by G. Manohar Rao 2005 Asia law House. I. Index (details enclosed) | |
46 | IPR a Boon or Bane for Indian agriculture published in the souvenir released in the National Seminar on IPR – New Agenda for Developing countries on the July2004 at Visakhapatnam | |
47 | Right to Information Act, A Realistic Appraisal, Published in the journal of Juridical Sciences, Tirupati 2006. | |
48 | Revenue Administration Study Material on Law for the administrators for Lal Bahudur Sastri National Academy of Administration, Musoorie 2007. | |
49 | Bharat Ratna Indira Gandhi. A Symbol of Strong Political will and Champion for the Cause of poor – accepted to be published in a book on Indira Gandhi by Indira Gandhi Chair, SPMV (Women University Tirupati). | |
50 | Standard of Legal Education, Professional Competence and Responsibility. A Critique with special reference to 184 report of Law Published in the book on Legal Education edited by Prof G. Manohar I. Index (details enclosed) | |
51 | Taking Law Seriously – accepted to be published in Apex Law Journal 2008. |
S. No | Name of the Faculty and Department | Name of the Authors | Titile of the Papers | Journal Name Vol. PP | ISSN No. | National / International | Date* | Academic Year |
52 | Prof. D. Surya Prakasa Rao | Prof. D. Surya Prakasa Rao | Impact of human rights capabilities, aspirations and editions on Law and justice: An Indian experience | Universities – An International peer Research Journal Vol 1-15 | 2259- 5542 | International | 2020 | 2020-2021 |
53 | Prof. D. Surya Prakasa Rao | Prof. D. Surya Prakasa Rao | The Anatomy of Indian legal education Tracking a case for continuing Legal Education | CLEA -Thoms on Reuters | — | International | 2020 | 2020-2021 |
- Law as an experiential social value constitutional and legal perspectives. International Journal of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Research ISSN No: 2456-4567, Dasan Publications, Alipurdar, West Bengal, India., Vol. No.1, No.4, May. 2015.
- Uniform Succession Code for equal property rights. International Journal of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Research. ISSN No: 2456-4567, Dasan Publications, Alipurdar, West Bengal, India., Vol. No.5, No.7, Mar. 2016.
- Uniform Civil Code – Need of the Hour. International Journal of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Research. ISSN No: 2456-4567, Dasan Publications, Alipurdar, West Bengal, India., Vol. No. 10, No. 12, Jan. 2017.
- Protection of Human Rights through Judicial Activism – A Realistic Appraisal. International Journal of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Research. ISSN No: 2456-4567, Dasan Publications, Alipurdar, West Bengal, India., Vol. No.1, No.3, Nov. 2019.
- The evolution of Indian State from 16 Mahajanapads (Republics) to Modern India Democratic political state – A Politico Legal Study. International Journal of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Research ISSN No: 2456-4567, Dasan Publications, Alipurdar, West Bengal, India., Vol. No.3, No.7, Dec. 2020.
- Relevant of Ancient Culture, Heritage and Legal Thought to day. International Journal of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Research ISSN No: 2456-4567, Dasan Publications, Alipurdar, West Bengal, India., Vol. No.7, No.11, 2021.
- Role of Law in making Hindutwa as Indian way of life. International Journal of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Research. ISSN No: 2456-4567, Dasan Publications, Alipurdar, West Bengal, India., Vol. No.5, No.9, Sep. 2021.
- Indian Supreme Court and right to privacy. International Journal of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Research ISSN No: 2456-4567, Dasan Publications, Alipurdar, West Bengal, India., Vol. No6, No. 10, Oct. 2021.
- Right to privacy and human dignity- constitutional and legal perspectives. International Journal of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Research. ISSN No: 2456-4567, Dasan Publications, Alipurdar, West Bengal, India., Vol. No6, No.10, Oct. 2021.
- Ancient Hindu Jurisprudence and its impact on Modern Indian Legal Thought. International Journal of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Research ISSN No: 2456-4567, Dasan Publications, Alipurdar, West Bengal, India., Vol. No.12, Jan. 2022.
- The success of Roman Law is to be applied to Hindu Law for removal of families today in Modern India. International Journal of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Research. ISSN No: 2456- 4567, Dasan Publications, Alipurdar, West Bengal, India., Vol. No.9, No.13, Jan. 2022.
- Law as product of culture – Indian Perspective. International Journal of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Research. ISSN No: 2456-4567, Dasan Publications, Alipurdar, West Bengal, India., Vol. No.4, No.6, Feb. 2022.
- Participated in the International Seminar on “Indigenous Peoples’ Rights Program, Institute for the Study of Human Rights” held on 14-15 May 2016 in Columbia University, USA.
- Participated in the 15th Session of United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues during 9-20 May 2016 held in UN HQ, New York, USA.
- Participated in International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in the UN at New York City during 26-30 May
- Participated in Consultation on Science Technology and Innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals on 17th May 2016 at Conference Room-7, NY, USA organized by the Intercultural Indigenous University, ADP and Fondo Indigena on the occasion of 15th Session of United Nations Permanent Form on indigenous Issues during 9-20 May 2016 held in UN HQ, New York, USA.
- Participated in Indigenous Women at the Forefront of a strong Global Non- Violent, Peace, Security & Disarmament Movement on 18th May 2016 from 1PM to 3PM at Conference Hall, Bahai,
- UN Office, 866, United Nations Plaza, New York, 110017, USA on the occasion of 15th Session of United Nations Permanent Form on indigenous Issues during 9-20 May 2016 held in UN HQ, New York, USA.
- Presented a paper and participated online in World Humanitarian Summit organized by UNO at Istanbul, Turkey on 23-26 May
- Participated in the International Seminar on “Indigenous Peoples’ Rights Program, Institute for the Study of Human Rights” held on 14-15 May 2016 in Columbia University, USA.
- Participated in the 15th Session of United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues during 9-20 May 2016 held in UN HQ, New York, USA.
- Participated in International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in the UN at New York City during 26-30 May 2016.
- Participated in Consultation on Science Technology and Innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals on 17th May 2016 at Conference Room-7, NY, USA organized by the Intercultural Indigenous University, ADP and Fondo Indigena on the occasion of 15th Session of United Nations Permanent Form on indigenous Issues during 9-20 May 2016 held in UN HQ, New York, USA.
- Participated in Indigenous Women at the Forefront of a strong Global Non-Violent, Peace, Security & Disarmament Movement on 18th May 2016 from 1PM to 3PM at Conference Hall, Bahai, UN Office, 866, United Nations Plaza, New York, 110017, USA on the occasion of 15th Session of United Nations Permanent Form on indigenous Issues during 9-20 May 2016 held in UN HQ, New York, USA.
- Presented a paper and participated online in World Humanitarian Summit organized by UNO at Istanbul, Turkey on 23-26 May, 2016.
Countries and Important Places Visited
- New York, U.S.A.
- N.O., New York, U.S.A.
- Columbia University, New York, U.S.A.
- Syracuse University, New York State, U.S.A.
- Ohio University, Columbus State, U.S.A
- California, U.S.A, Sanjose, U.S.A, Chicago, U.S.A
- Arlendo, U.S.A, Michigan, U.S.A, Florida, U.S.A
- Minneapolis, U.S.A, Dallas, U.S.A, Detroit, U.S.A
- Washington DC, Philadelphia, Seattle, Portland
- Bangkok, Thailand, Hong Kong
- Kathmandu, Nepal
Research Papers Published:
S.No. | Name of the Faculty and department | Name of the Authors | Title of the Papers | Journal name Vol.PP | ISSN No. | National/ International | Date * | Academic Year |
1 | Prof DS Prakasa Rao | Prof DS Prakasa Rao | Impact of human rights capabilities, aspirations and editions on law and justice: An Indian experience: | Universitas – An International peer research Journal name Vol.15 | 2259-5542 | International | 2020 | 2020 – 2021 |
2 | Prof DS Prakasa Rao | Prof DS Prakasa Rao | The Anatomy of Indian legal education tracking a case for continuing legal education | CLEA – Thomson Reuters | — | International | 2020 | 2020 – 2021 |
- Bharat Ratna Indira Gandhi. A Symbol of Strong Political will and Champion for the Cause of poor – accepted to be published in a book on Indira Gandhi by Indira Gandhi Chair, SPMV (Women University Tirupati).2008. Authors: Prof. D.S. Prakasa Rao Publishers: SV University.
- Standard of Legal Education, Professional Competence and Social Responsibility. A Critique with special reference to 184th report of Law Commission of11 India. Authors: Prof. D.S. Prakasa Rao Publishers: Asia Law House, 2008. Published/Edited G Manohar Rao
- Proprietary Status of Indian Women Published in ALT AUGUST 2010 Authors: Prof. D.S. Prakasa Rao Publishers: Asia Law House,2010
- Independence of Judiciary sine-qua-non of Indian Democarcy published in a book, Authors: Prof. D.S. Prakasa Rao Publishers: Asia Law House, 2011, Prof. Manohara Rao on Judicial Reforms.
- Taking Law Seriously- accepted to be published in Apex Law Journal 2012, Authors: Prof. D.S. Prakasa Rao
- Hindu Succession( Amendment) Act,2005 Authors: Prof. D.S. Prakasa Rao, AU Research Forum, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam.
- Uniform Succession Code for Women Development Rights and Capabilities, Authors: Prof. D.S. Prakasa Rao, AU Journal of Law, Vol 5 &6, 2013 Edited Prof.V.Kesava Rao
- Protection of Farmers Under Consumer Protection Act, 1986 from Unfair and Restictive Trade Practices- Constitutional, Legal and Ethical Perspectives, Authors: Prof. D.S. Prakasa Rao, Law Souvenir of National Seminar on Protecting Consumers from Unfair and Restrictive Trade Practices., 2013, Dr BR Ambedkar College of Law.
- Right to Information for Effective Implementation of Human Rights Authors: Prof. D.S. Prakasa Rao, A two day UGC National Workshop on Awareness and Interaction on RTI Act, 2005 organised by Department of Commerce collaboration with (UF-RTI).
- Right to Information vis-à-vis Hippocratic Oath Authors: Prof. D.S. Prakasa Rao, Souvenir of National Seminar on Forensic Sciences held by Andhra Medical College, Visakhapatnam, 2013.
- Balancing between right to Education and Right to Establish Educational Institutions – Constitutional Conundrum, Authors: Prof. D.S. Prakasa Rao, National Seminar on Right to Education and Right to Establish Educational Institutions – a Constitutional Perspective, 2011, School of Indian Legal Thought, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam.
- Right to Information – Need of the Hour, Authors: Prof. D.S. Prakasa Rao, Souvenir of National Seminar on Right to Information an Citizen’s right to Administrative Justice, 2013, The Tamil Nadu, Dr. Ambedkar Law University, Chennai.
- Human Cloning nad Stem Cell Research Vis-avis Human Rights, Law and Public Policy Authors: Prof. D.S. Prakasa Rao, Souvenir of National Seminar on Science and Technology and Human Rights, Dr. BR Ambedkar Law College, AU
- CSR Towards Hunan Right in Post Globalization Era, Authors: Prof. D.S. Prakasa Rao, Perspective
- Right to Education to whom? And Against Whom? Authors: Prof. D.S.Prakasa Rao,
- Right to Education in India and Ethiopia: Constitutional Perspectives, Authors: Prof. D.S. Prakasa Rao, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Education Research, ISSN:22777881IJMER, Volume 4, 2015
- Public Interest Litigation – A Revolutionary Change in Judicial Process – Paper presented in a National Seminar on Public Interest Litigation, Organized by Bar Council of Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad, 1987.
- New International Economic Order – Presented in National Seminar on International Economic Law held at Nagpur University, Nagpur, 1987.
- Compensation Through writs – A revolutionary Change in Judicial Process National Seminar held at Andhra University on State Liability in 1989.
- Secular India – Problems and Prospects – National Seminar on Terrorism, Secularism, National Integration held at Hyderabad, 1988.
- Challenges to Constitutional Fundamentals – Seminar held at S.V. university; 1991.
- Judicial Review A Comparative study under U.S. and Indian Constitutions Essay bagged second prize in the workshop held at Andhra University in 1988.
- 59th Constitutional Amendment – A Perspective – Seminar held at Eluru in 1988.
- Problems of Reservations and Judicial Response – Recent Trends – National Seminar on Equality, Backward Classes and Social Change – Dr. Ambedkar’s perspective held at Dr. Ambedkar Chair of Legal Studies and Research, Dept. of Law, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, 22nd to 23rd of April, 1996.
- Unilateralism Vs. Multilateralism in the Sphere of International Contracts – National Seminar on International Commercial Contracts and Conflicts of Laws held at Madras University from 22nd to 23rd of January, 1996.
- Accountability of Whom? To whom? – Paper presented in the National Seminar on accountability in Indian Legal System held at Madras University from 28th and 29th March, 1996.
- Social Justice – A myth or Reality – National Seminar on Social Justice held at Andhra University, 1996.
- Right to Privacy – Lecture delivered in the Research Forum, Andhra University on 24-11-1997.
- Shipping Law in Post Hamburg Scenario – A Critical Appraisal National Seminar on Shipping Law held at Andhra University in 1997.
- The Rights of the Girl Child – Law, Policy and Enforcement – National Seminar on Woman and Child held at Hyderabad, 1997.
- Issues before W.T.O. – Indian Perspective – Seminar held at Transport Management, Andhra University, 1999.
- Human Rights to Dalits – Myth or Reality National Seminar on Human Rights held at Andhra University, Organized by Dept. of Sociology and Academic Staff College, 1999.
- Conceptual Clarification of Human Rights – Paper presented in a seminar organized by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar College of Law, Andhra University, 1999.
- Minorities and Human Rights – Joint Paper presented in Academic Staff College, A.U., 1999 along with Prof. A. Lakhsminath, Dean, Faculty of Law, Andhra University.
- The Challenges to Constitutional fundamentals Need to curb – Paper presented in the National Seminar on 50 years of Indian Constitution – Retrospect and prospect organized by the Department of Law, Nagarjuna University, Nagarjuna Nagar – 2000.
- Preventive Detention – balancing between Individual Interest and Social Justice – Paper presented in U.G.C. Sponsored National Level conference on preventive Detention held at Dhankanal, Orissa, 2000.
- Dialectics of Directives – Paper presented in U.G.C. sponsored National Seminar on 50 years of Indian Constitution Experiences and Expectations held at Osmania University, Hyderabad, 2000.
- Nyaya Sastra Anuvadamlo Adurayya Ebbandulu (The Difficulties in Translating Laws) – Paper presented in a National Seminar on translation held at Department of Telugu, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, 2000.
- Social Control of Information Technology through Law – A Critique – Paper presented in the workshop on the Information Technology Act 2000 on 9th to 10th September 2000 at Andhra University, Engineering College, Visakhaptnam.
- Intellectual Property Regions – Poverty alleviation instruments or Hindrance to the Human Rights of Poor – Paper presented in world conference on Human Rights and poverty held at Dept. of Law, Barkatulla University, Bhopal from 2nd to 5th October 2001.
- Governor – An Independent Constitutional Authority or Otherwise Paper presented in National Conference (Southern Region) underthe aegis of National Commission to Review the working of the constitution at CLRI Auditorium, Adyar, Chennai-20, from 5 to 7 October 2001.
- Constitutional Obligations Problems and Policy perspectives – paper presented in National Seminar on Constitutional Reforms held on 21st and 22nd March 2001 at Department of Legal Studies, University of Madras, Chennai.
- Judicial Accountability Vis-à-vis Rule of Law – Paper presented in U.G.C. Sponsored National Conference on Judicial Independence & Accountability organized by University Law College Utkal University, Vanivihar, Bhubaneswar, Orissa, August, 2001.
- Smruthi Patham lo Bharatam -paper presented in the National Seminar on Telugu Literature -Historical Perspective held at Telugu Department, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, September 2001.New patent Regime and Intellectual Property Rights Jurisprudence Problems and Prospects Paper presented in National Seminar on Intellectual Property Rights held at the Tamil Nadu Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Law University, Chennai from 8th to 9th March 2002.
- Copy Right Law – paper presented in National Workshop held at S.K. University, Ananathapur from 16th to 17th February, 2002.
- India & International Trade – paper presented in National Conference held at IIPA, Visakhapatnam 08-09-2002.
- Impact of IPR on Indian Agriculture and Seed Industry – Paper presented in National Conference on TRIPS Next Agenda for Developing Countries held at SISS, Hyderabad from 11th to 12th October, 2002.
- Some thoughts on constitutional theory and practice – paper presented in National Seminar held at department of Legal Studies, Madras University from 26th and 27th March 2003.
- Equality of opportunity and Result and Distributional Equality vis-vis Dynamics of Equality – Paper presented in National Seminar on Equality, Liberty and Fraternity held at Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh from 29th & 30th March 2003.
- Protection of Women workers in Unorganized Sector Human rights perspective Paper Presented in the National Seminar on Human Rights and Duties Education organized by Dept of Law SPMV, Women University Tripuati during 20 and 21 October 2003.
- Relevance of Ancient Legal Thought Today, paper presented in the National Seminar on Indian Legal Thought on 7th and 8th December 2004- held at School of Indian Legal Thought Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam.
- Protection of Copy Right in Internet Age Problems and Perspectives, in the National Seminar on enforcement of Copyrights Law organized by Dept of law, Osmania university Hyderabad on 13 and 14 march 2004.
- Changes in Indian Legal Regime in Tune with TRIPS Agreement Problems and Perspectives in the National Seminar on Law and IPR a post TRIPS scenario in India held at Osmania University on 21 and 22 Aug 2004.
- Protection of Copy Right Through Law in Internet Age New Challenges in 2 day National Seminar on Copyright Law in changing Scenario organized by the Dept of Law, the University of Kashmir, Srinagar held at Srinagar on 26th and 27th June 2004.
- Impact of DNA Technology on Law with special reference to Malimath committee Report in the National Seminar on D.N.A Test and the Law. New Dimensions, on 27-28 March 2004 held at Jalandhar Orgnaised by School of Legal Studies, Guru Nanak Dev University Regional Campus Jalandhar.
- Lecture delivered on Justice Theory and practice in A.U. Research Forum on 18-10-2004.
- Paper Presented on IPR in WIPO National Symposium on IP Education Training and Research at IIT, Delhi (August 17-18 2005).
- Protection of Copy Right through Law in Internet Age – Paper Presented in the National Seminar on IPR Law and Policy Emerging Trends and Challenges 16-7-05 at Dept Law, A.U.
- Development of Human Rights through Judicial Process Seminar on Development of the Constitutional law in India through Judicial Process held at Hyderabad 2005.
- Participated in First south Asian conference of Law teachers on skills ethics education from 16th to 18th 2005 December at V.M. Salgaocar College of law, Miramar, Panaji, Goa.
- Impact of Trips Agreement on Indian Agriculture – A perspective and Chaired the session in the 3 days National Seminar on IPR – National and International Perspectives organized by Dept of Law, SPMV Women University Tirupati 2005.
- Participated in the 2 day workshop on international Humanitarian Law organized by Faculty of Law A.U and ICRC held at Visakhapatnam during 24-25 August 2005.
- Participated in 4 day Sensitization and Training Programme on HR Protection for Refugees and International Humanitarian law organized by NALSAR, Hyderabad, UN high commissioner for refugees and ICRC new Delhi from 25-28 October 2005.
- Participated National Seminar on contemporary Environmental problems of Urban Areas. during 13th 14th March 2006, held at Visakhapatnam organized by Association of British scholars, Visakhapatnam chapter in collaboration with Dept of Environmental Sciences, A.U. Visakhapatnam.
- Presented a paper on Sustainable Development in the seminar on Environmental protection and regulation held at Visakhapatnam on 31st.
- Role of Judiciary in the protection of Human Rights in the context of Globalization a perspective, paper presented in the Seminar Organized by Dept of Human Rights and Social Development, S.V. University, Tirupati. National Seminar on Globalization sate and Human Rights.
- Balance between IPR Jurispendence and Human Rights of the poor National Seminar on IPR and related issues Organized by P.G. Dept of Legal studies & Research and Dept of commerce and Business Administration on March 24-26, 2006 at Acharya Nagarjuna University, Nagarjunanagar, Guntur.
- The Right to Information Act – a Realistic Appraisal in the National Seminar on Right to Information organized by Dept of Journalism & Mass communication held at Acharya Nagarjuna University during 23 and 24 may 2006.
- Presented a paper on protection of Human Rights and Criminal Justice Process in the International Conference on Criminal Justice Under Stress- Transnational perspectives organized by Indian Law institute held at New Delhi November 2006.
- Taking Law Seriously – Lecturer delivered in AU Research Form 2007.
- Bharat Ratna Indira Gandhi – a Symbol of Strong Political Will and Champion for the Cause of Poor Paper presented in the National Seminar Organized by Indira Gandhi Chair, SPMV Women University, Tirupati 2007.
- Consumer Protection in the Context of IPR – New challenges – National Seminar on consumer protection in the New Millennium Law and policy 19-20 Feb, 2007) Dept of Law and IIPA New Delhi.
- Participated in National workshop on Coastal Regulation Zone Jointly Organized by PREPARE, Chennai and NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad at NALSAR University Campus, Justice City, Shameerpet, Hyderabad from 20th – 22nd April 2007.
- Strong Political Will to Curb Factionalism – Need of the Hour Presented in National Seminar on Factionalism and Human Rights organized by Dept of Human Rights and social development S.V. University on 30th – 31st March 2007 held at Tirupati.
- Invited to give lectures in Academic staff colleges, NALSAR, Hyderabad, Acharya Nagarjuna University, Nagarjuna Nagar, Guntur, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam on contemporary Legal issues.
- Invited to participate in the circulam development programme of HR Education at P.G Level, by NALSAR University, Hyderabad 2007.
- Delivered a lecture on cyber laws in the Regional Refresher course for all categories of Judicial officers of the district of East Godavari, Visakhapatnam, Vizianagaram, Srikakulam organized by Andhra Pradesh Judicial Academy, Secundrabad held at Visakhapatnam on 15th December, 2007.
- The Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior citizens Act 2007 a Realistic Appraisal paper presented in the workshop on Human Rights Perspective and Social Work Intervention, organized by Dept of Social work, A.U. held at Visakhapatnam on 9-2-2008.
Conduct of Seminars / Workshops / Training Programs:
Prof. D.S.Prakasa Rao
- Gave two lectures on 1) Executive, Limitation for Several Applications in Civil Justice Administration and 2) Execution, Jurisdiction of the Court in Civil Justice Administration in the workshop organized by Visakhapatnam District Court on 24-6-2017.
- Deputed by Registrar, Andhra University for preparation of Amaravathi Declaration Meeting at Amaravathi organized by Andhra Pradesh Assembly on 25-4-2017.
- Delivered a lecture on “Human Rights to Violation in India organized by Andhra Pradesh Human Resource Department, Govt of Andhra Pradesh on 25-3-2017.
- Gave presidential address presiding inaugural session and presented a paper at National Seminar on “Properties Law” organized by University of Madras, Chennai on “Women Capabilities through Preparative Status” published in the souvenir on 18-3-2017.
- Resource Person for “Research Methodology Workshop” organized by ICSSR, Osmania University, Hyderabad on August 2016.
- DS Prakasa Rao, Principal – Member, Editorial Board, Delhi Law Journal – June, 2017.
Conduct of Seminars/Workshops / Training Programs :
Fculty attended/ chaired sessions in Seminars / Conferences/evants(National & International)
Workshops/Seminars/Conferences/Training Programmes Organized during the Academic Year
Major Areas of Interest:
- Jurisprudence,
- Constitutional law,
- Family Law,
- Human Rights,
- International Economic Laws including WTO and Intellectual Property Laws,
- Alternate Dispute Settlement Mechanism,
- Free Legal Aid and Legal Education,
- Economic Analysis of Law,
- Commercial Laws,
- Environmental Law.

Prof. (Dr) D. Surya Prakasa Rao
B.Sc., LL.M., Ph.D in Law JRF & NET- 1990
Hon'ble Vice Chancellor